
Monday, January 14, 2013

Mosaic Monday ... Bummed Out!

In reference to today's post title, I have to say I was a little 'bummed out' not to get a better shot of this marvellous creature that came visiting last night. 

Our lovely dog, Albert, alerted us to the fact that there was a very interesting visitor trying to get into the shadehouse, but unfortunately all I managed to get were a few rear end shots of this very special mammal called an Echidna.  We haven't seen one of these on our property since we moved in over ten years ago now, so it was a real treat even if we didn't get to see the whole creature.

Yes, I know it looks like a Hedgehog, but we don't have those here in Australia.  We do have the Short-beaked Echidna though, and it's not related to the Hedgehog at all. 

Echidnas are a very special animal.  Both the Echidna and the Platypus share the distinction of being the only remaining surviving 'monotremes' in the world.  What's a 'monotreme', I hear you ask?  Well, monotremes are a primitive link between the reptiles and the more advanced mammals.  Montremes are mammals that lay eggs, instead of giving birth to live young.

Now getting back to the post title ... If the real definition of 'bummed out' is "feeling depressed and sad about an issue", then this little creature fits the bill.

Our dog had a busy day yesterday.  Albert had this lovely little Ring-tailed possum cornered under the end of the verandah roof.  The poor possum was sitting there, looking very morose, for half the day yesterday.  

We tied up the dog, but he kept on barking every now and then, and the possum would be startled into inactivity every time.  It took hours and hours before the little poss eventually risked escape.  It managed to crawl along a stick I had jammed into the corner, and up onto the roof ... I'm sure I heard a little high-pitched scream of "Freedom" as the sun set in the west.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. My first thought was a 'hedgehog'. What an interesting creature it is. Thanks for the info about it.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, it certainly looks like a Hedgehog, but they're not related at all.

  2. What interesting and cute creatures you have there. Valerie

    1. We do indeed have some fascinating creatures here. Thanks for visiting Val.

  3. I had to look up the Echidna, just wanted to see it's face as I have never heard of it before! What a strange creature :-) Great shots, even if you just got it's bum!

    I really feel sorry for the possum, but that's life, right. My cat found a mouse yesterday and took it inside to play with it. I didn't realise what he was playing with for a while and finally went to see. The mouse was still alive, but only just, so I had to end its life. My cat sulked for hours because I took away his toy. The mouse wasn't as lucky as your possum unfortunately!

    1. Yes, I completely missed its face, but I still think it looks rather cute from behind! Albert has captured a possum before, and unfortunately it was a tale of woe for that particular possum. Thankfully this one escaped. I loved the story about your cat. Well, I did feel sorry for the mouse, but that is the cycle of life.

  4. How exciting to have such a rare creature visit your shade house. He’s obviously heard along the bush telegraph what a fabulous eco system you have created. He’s cute even if I can only see his rear end.
    Oh dear Albert your in the dog house again! Fancy terrifying a poor little possum. He has the most adorable face.

    1. Sue, Albert certainly tries his best, but his efforts are so often misguided. At least this time he didn't get the possum.

      I haven't seen the Echidna anywhere around the place today, so it looks like I'm going to miss its adorable face.

  5. Cute critters, Bernie! Your doggie has been busy protecting his yard. Great pic's! have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, Albert has been a very busy pooch. His work just never seems to stop.

  6. Oh, that possum does look dejected! I don't expect it'll be back in a hurry.

    1. Snail, I'm sure I heard the little pitter patter of footsteps in the roof space. I don't know where it got in, but it sounds as if it's moved in.

  7. Bernie, you do have the most interesting little creatures in your garden. Some I wouldn't want to make friends with but those two I might.

    1. Just be wary of the Possum's claws, Jean, if you ever meet one. Dangerous implements! Of course, the Echidna has its own set of possible pain-inflicting spines.

  8. Oh the Echidna was just shy Bernie. LOL! What fascinating creature the Ring Tailed Possum is. Much better looking than our ugly little creatures. LOL!

    1. Lol, possibly an Echidna with a complex that just didn't want to show its face! We do have some fascinating creatures here I have to admit.

  9. Neat animals invading Alberts yard. He has been busy. Have a great week:)

    1. Poor old Albert, he's looking a little overworked these days. He's starting to spend a lot of time resting!

  10. Wow you have the cutest animals...and I learned so much about missing links :)

    1. Thanks Donna, I'm learning lots myself as I add more posts.

  11. Lovely blog Bernie and those pics are wonderful. I love the echidna but didn't even know half of what you told us.
    I also love the possums, great creatures and I can just imagine your Albert having a great time baling it up.

    1. Thanks Marguerite. I guess it's my teaching background that has me trying to share interesting bits of information. I so enjoyed teaching the little ones all about monotremes, and I have to say many of the parents learnt a thing or two as well!!

  12. Lovely post! I learned something new and enjoyed the read. Have a great day!

  13. Our German Shepherd rounded up an echidna one night many many years ago now. He barked and barked and then whimpered, bark bark whimper. It was late at night. We went out with a torch and found a ball of prickles hunkered down in the undergrowth, and a big dog with prickles in his nose.

  14. How fascinating. I should think that if it had been me, I would have been a bit nosy and got something to tickle it with, for better viewing. I must look this creature to see the face. fun!!!

  15. Thank you for sharing, I have never seen nor heard of either, the possum looks cute :-).

    Visiting from via Mosaic Monday.


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