
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Wishes from Downunder

I'm still away from my home and my garden, and apparently my poor garden is suffering without me!  It's been hot, humid and horrible in the north-east corner where my garden is located and the place is dry and parched.  The rains should arrive soon ... fingers crossed!  I'm afraid my darling other half doesn't have green fingers and is finding it difficult keeping the potted plants going. 

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  I hope you have a lovely festive season wherever you may be in the world.


  1. I love your Christmas picture. It brought a smile to my face.

    Bless your DH's heart for trying his best to keep your lovely potted plants alive. Hope your rainy season starts soon.

    Have a lovely Christmas and a wonderful 2013.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

  2. Love that picture Bernie, Happy Holidays to you and your family!


  3. And to you from Africa! Nice to have met you this year! Ryan (LT)

  4. Have a great Holiday Season and I am looking forward seeing your beautiful garden in the New year

  5. Dear Bernie.
    A great Christmascard, and some lovely wishes.
    Also do wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas. Have a wonderful Christmas season.
    Best wishes and kind regards, Iris.

  6. Happy Christmas Have a wonderful time.
    Sue xx

  7. Oh Bernie I love this picture...I will add it to my Santas from around the world...wishing you a very Merry Christmas and that you get the best gift....rain!!

  8. Merry Christmas Bernie, hope you get some rain soon, and if not you can have some of ours, we have flood in Britain again!!
    Wishing you all the best for 2013,
    take care, Helene

  9. Merry Christmas, Bernie! Wishing you and your family a peaceful, and joyful, holiday season, and a blooming wonderful New Year!

  10. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and hopeful 2013 from Malaysia.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and the family.

  12. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas.

  13. Love your Aussie card. I hope you are having a Merry Christmas with family. We finally got a little rain this morning. Everything is dried out in the garden. It looks so depressing that I have given up trying to keep it alive. I am just hoping lots of rain will come and revive what is left. Good luck with your gardn too.

  14. Dear Bernie ~ thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I don't see an email addy to contact you on your blog, so will just write a note here. I gathered from what you said in your comment that you don't know that my wonderful dear husband passed away from this life on the 9th of Dec. It's been rough, but God is my strength and there's been wonderful love and support from blogging friends. Thanks again for the inspiration that your gardens are to me. We grow a lot of the same things and I love seeing your lush spaces.

    Have a wonderful 2013. FlowerLady Lorraine

  15. Dear Bernie, the garden will wait for your loving touch. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and we are now in winter with just a few months of cold dreary weather before it becomes spring. With the Sandy storm doing so much damage to our trees, there will be a lot of re-planting to do. Cheers from the Jarvis House.

  16. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a happy and healthy New Year.


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