
Friday, November 23, 2012

Flower Flaunt on this End-Of-Spring Friday.

November is our last month of Spring, and as we approach the last days of November it already feels like Summer.  The daytime temp. has been increasing gradually over the last month, and at the moment the mercury hovers up around 32 deg C (89 F) every day.   The humidity adds an extra special touch.  We experience a very steamy sticky heat which saps the energy very, very quickly.  The garden is starting to show signs of stress as our dry season is now in its 8th month.  Everything around the property is bone dry, and I'm out watering every single day.

Thankfully there are still some lovely blooms on show.  While the Asiatic and Oriental Lilies have now finished blooming, the Daylilies are putting on their brilliant show now.

Hemerocallis 'Sabine Baur'

Hemerocallis 'Maleny Tiger'

Hemerocallis 'Picotee Bubbles'

Hemerocallis 'Shocking'

Hemerocallis 'Francois Verhaert'

Hemerocallis ' Wedding Band' with Justicia brandgeanna

There are a few other blooms around the place.

Turnera subulata

Plumeria rubra

Gardinia augusta

Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu'

Russelia juncea


Pelargonium peltatum

I'm joining Tina for Weekend Flowers

Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

and I'm joining the Today's Flowers  meme.


  1. Hello Bernie, I've not been here for a while. I wonder why even with those temps of 32C you can grow those lilies! Maybe because they grow at much lower temps earlier. You are approaching the hottest while we are on the way to our coldest in Dec, but of course our coldest is just lower than your 32C, haha!

    1. Kalantikan, Daylilies do very well here. They are tough, heat and drought tolerant, and they even make it through the heavy wet season. Maybe it is the slightly lower winter temps that helps. As you know we can get down to 10 deg C overnight during the wintertime.

  2. bernie ....nice to see sping just as we are going into winter.....

    1. Our Spring will be officially over in about a week, Sharon. Then the Summer begins and that's a hard time in the garden here. There won't be too many blooms then, just the usual year-round bloomers.

  3. Hi Bernie. I loved looking through your garden today at the lilies and pelargoniums. Sorry to hear that you are watering every day now. I really got tired of that during the summer here. The Spathiphyllum are always so lovely to look at. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Lona, I definitely have to water the potted plants every day now. It doesn't take long for the heat and humidity to dry out the pots. I don't mind too much though, as I enjoy watering in the early morning or late evening. It's a de-stresser for me after a working day.

  4. what a gorgeous display of spring/summer flowers! I am so jealous, now that it's cold and damp and gloomy here....thanx for sharing

    1. I'm only too pleased to share, Joanne. As we head into summer here, I will have less wonderful blooms to share.

  5. Dear Bernie.
    Colourful and very enjoyable photos.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I have a soft spot for Pelargoniums, yours is really pretty.
    Best regards, Iris.

    1. Iris, this particular Pellie is the only one I've managed to get through the wet season from one year to the next. Every other Pellie I've had has given up over the summer. I now have a soft spot for this lovely thing.

  6. Wonderful, wonderful flowers. It is always great to visit here to see the beauty you have growing there.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. You're very welcome, Flower Lady. I'm only too happy to share the flowers on show at the moment.

  7. Beautiful blooms as usual Bernie. We have several months where we must water every day and sometimes twice for containers and baskets.

    1. Shirley, I've now had enough experience with container gardening to be at the point now where I only have to water them once during the height of our horrible heat. A combination of correct plant selection, great potting mix with water saving crystals, and mulch added to the top of the pots, seems to all help.

  8. I know I will see some beautiful flowers here on your blog. Ours are all gone. Valerie

    1. Val, you're most welcome to pop by to see the flowers that are still on show. I can't promise too much after about another month though. The end of December into January, and sometimes February is the hardest time of the year for the garden here.

  9. Stunning photos, love those first 3 photos.

  10. Wonderful flowers! I love your daylilies, the colours and patterns are amazing.

    1. The Hemerocallis are just fantastic flowers, I agree Gunilla.

  11. Hi Bernie....hope all is well with you! Don't you just love those bi-color day lilies? Besides deep blue and purple flowers I love the flowers with more than one color in them. It might be dry there but the gardener in charge is keeping things well watered and taken care of! Good job Bernie!

    1. Hi Jean, yes all is well with me. I only have two more weeks left before the school year ends and I'm rather looking forward to the long summer break. I'm a big fan of the bi-colours too. They are rather special. It's definitely very dry here, and we're really getting impatient for the beginning of the wet season now.

  12. Such beauty in spring. Would love to see these in summer is your spring but it is all beauty. We just got our first snowfall.

    1. Donna, the beauty won't last for too much longer. Our summer is on the way, and it will be hard to find lovely flowers as the summer progresses. You've had the first snowfall, we're waiting for the first decent rainfall. Hopefully it will only be a couple of weeks away now.

  13. Such beauty !

    Please have a good Sunday.

    daily athens photo

  14. your lilies, tru blu are ravishing!

  15. Such lovely colors. I love all your flowers. I have been in NZ for 6 years and, since I love warm weather, I have thought on occasion that I'd like to live in Aussie. But with your 'dry season' of 8 months, I think I'll be happy here!

  16. We are reaching freezing temperatures here. We had a light covering of snow this morning. We are headed to the black and white season here since the plants are dormant, the sky is overcast, and if we are lucky, we have snow on the ground. Your posts are a wonderful treat.

  17. Beautiful your day lilies! I've nominated you for a Beautiful Bloggers award and linked to your blog on my latest post. You've probably been nominated for this award previously, but you're well worth another nomination, if that's the case. :)

  18. thanx for your beautiful weekend flowers! :)

  19. Thank you for sharing your special garden - it's beautiful in any season.

  20. What beautiful daylilies you have - the colour of the Thunbergia is electric!!

  21. These are lovely! Thank you for sharing them with Today's Flowers. I apologize for being so late in commenting but we have had our family visiting and I have had little time on the computer. Wishing you a great week!

  22. HI Bernieh, I followed your pinterest, very nice. I wanted to add that button to my blog, but when I take the html from pinterest with me and add it to my settings it says it has illegal characters in the code. Did you have any probs with that?
    Meanwhile taking opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas with your family and lots of rain to follow up.

  23. Have found how to do it again Bernie, but now I can't find the weather gadget on the weathere channel anymore....olden days creeping up?


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