
Friday, August 10, 2012

Flower Flaunt Time ... At The Start of our End-of-Winter Month

With the arrival of August, the departure of our glorious Winter season is in sight.  Right now the garden is in a sort of limbo.  It's 'dry' season so there's not much growth at the moment, and the same 'ole things are blooming that have been blooming all Winter long.  I'm now waiting patiently for the arrival of the Lily blooms to provide something new.  But that's a way off yet.

So here's a glimpse of the same-ole, same-ole!

A few Pelargonium blooms.

Some lovely Antirrhinum blooms that start off as a tightly packed purple bud and then burst upon to show off a wonderful orangey, yellowy, pinky combination.

My favourite Impatiens hawkeri or New Guinea Impatiens.

A Pansy or two.

A Bromeliad inflorescence.

There are still masses of creamy Corymbia torelliana or Cadaghi Gum flowers at the top of these very tall trees.

My gorgeous white Pentas lanceolata,

and my beautiful white Bauhinia.

There are some lovely Salvia flowers ...

... and blooms on my trusty winter annuals, the Petunias.

I'm joining Tina for her Weekend Flowers meme,

Nix for Floral Friday Fotos,

and Alicia for Open Gardens


  1. I am always happy to see your beautiful flowers. Happy spring to you. Have a great weekend.

    1. Not quite Spring yet, Eileen, but it's not far away now. Unfortunately I don't get all that excited about Spring, as that means the heat and humidity will be returning with a vengeance. Glad the usuals brightened your day.

  2. You may be showing the same-ole same-ole but you still have some fabulous blooms but the one that stands out for me is that stunning white Bauhinia perfection in petals!

    1. Thanks Sue. You know how much I'm pleased to see those fabulous white Bauhinia blooms. The tree itself barely reaches more than a metre and a half in height still, but at least there's plenty of flowers this year.

  3. Magnificent flowes pictures. Pleasing to the eyes. From Floral Friday FOtos

    1. Thanks for visiting Joy, and for your lovely comment.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Fitness Buff. I've visited your post for this week, but I'm afraid I can't help out with an I.D. for those lovely pink flowers.

  5. Great pics for the weekenflowers. I#m impressed for the 5. flower....sorry, my english ist not the best! Luckily greetings...

    1. Your English is just fine, Luise-Lotte. Thank you for visiting and leaving your kind comment.

  6. You never fail to give us beautiful flowers Bernie. Thanks for sharing.

    Basil Flower

    1. I guess I just get used to seeing the same things for so long, that I forget to notice just how lovely the blooms are. Thanks for reminding me, Modern Mom.

  7. I wish I had so many same ol' same ol' in winter. The camellias are doing well.

    1. Diane, I know I should appreciate the blooms I do see all the time, but I always get a little bored with things at about the same time every year. I'm waiting for some of my springtime blooms now, and getting a little impatient! Camellias are something I've never tried up here. I do know how lovely they are though, so I'm glad to hear you're enjoying some beautiful blooms.

  8. What a great collection of gorgeous flowers! Thank you for sharing.

    1. You're most welcome, BeagleAnnie. I'm glad you enjoyed the show of blooms today.

  9. Those gorgeous blooms could never be 'same ole same ole'. LOL! I love the whites in your garden and especially the white Penta's.

    1. I'm just getting impatient for the Lily show now, Lona. Our glorious winter is not something I wish to be over, but I am wishing for some different flowers in the garden now. I do sound so ungrateful don't I?

  10. I love the Pentas lanceolata. The flowers have a very elegant look to them. Your blazingly beautiful Bromeliad is stunning too. What a fabulous color!

    1. Curbstone, white Pentas is my favourite and I just don't have enough of it. I need to remedy that situation! The Bromeliad bloom is something that always takes my breath away. It's just so different!

  11. How horrible for you to have to suffer with 'same-ole, same-ole'! Your same-ole is a treasure trove of blooms! Exceptional photos....

    1. Oh I know, Joanne, I shouldn't complain! I really do love the winter blooms, and I absolutely love this time of year here in the tropics. I'm just hankering for some of the spring blooms now though. I shouldn't wish this time away though, as I really don't like the conditions of late Spring and Summer here.

  12. Wonderful flowers. Some are familiar and others are very exotic to me, but I love seeing them all.

    1. Thanks for visiting Gunilla. It's great to hear you enjoyed seeing what's blooming in my garden at the moment.

  13. Beautiful flowers. It looks like insects are enjoying the leaves ;-)

    1. Yes Joyful, there's always lots of insects enjoying the blooms here. I see them every day feasting on some flower or other.

  14. I love this flaunt...we have the same New Guinea Impatien grwoing. My petunias did not grow as I desired with our crazy summer but I may try again this winter to start them from seed.

    1. Hi Donna, here in the tropics Petunias don't do well in our summers because of the monsoonal rains and the humidity. They do best in our Autumn-Winter, into early Spring. I grow them every year without fail, as they just add such wonderful colour to the courtyard. Best of luck with yours.

  15. Wow, what a beautiful collection!

    If you get a chance, stop by my blog or "Like" Hood Photography on Facebook! Thanks!

    1. Thanks HoodPhoto for popping by. It's great that you enjoyed viewing the flowers blooming here right now.

  16. You have so many beautiful flowers in your garden and they look so healthy. Geranium and pelargoniums are a simple favourite of mine.

    1. I wish I had more luck with Pelargoniums, Alicia, as I do so love them. Unfortunately I really struggle getting them through our monsoonal wet season here.

  17. Your beautiful flowers to continue and ENDURE! That's a sign of an excellent gardener. For me, they flower once and then....I um.....forget to keep up with them:) End of winter for you means the end of summer for us!!! Can't wait:)

    1. Rohrerbot, I'm not looking forward to the end of the winter weather here. With the arrival of spring, it starts getting hot and humid. I am however looking forward to seeing some of my lovely Lilies bloom, as I'm getting a little bored with the usual winter bloomers now. Sounds so unappreciative!!

  18. Bernie,

    This is such a great variety of petunias. I am developing a new appreciation for this plant as they can take the heat. I have not seen all of those colors with the striping.


    1. Eileen, I couldn't do without Petunias adding colour in the autumn-winter here. They do not get through our summers well, but that's more to do with the arrival of the monsoonal rains than the heat. We do get such lovely varieties now too, that makes it hard to resist having them in the garden.

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Pieni for visiting and leaving your kind comment.

  20. Simply Beautiful!!
    Have a great weekend!! :)

    1. It's a glorious winter weekend here, thanks Linda. I can't complain about the weather at this time of year.

  21. I am inviting you to come and share this in my Show Your Stuff blog hop:

    1. Thanks for the invitation Julie, but I think my post about flowers doesn't quite fit with your theme. Some great recipes on your post though.

  22. Thanks Aaron. I didn't grow many Pansies this year. I keep having trouble with some sort of white mould infestation, and I just can't keep it at bay. The one and only little pot of Pansies I do have is all I can cope with this year. I always have to have Petunias. I can't resist them.

  23. Beautiful blooms from your garden, Bernie! Your garden is always full of so much colour and variety.
    I'm wondering if you can tell me what the other pink flowers are on my post (under the Begonia)? Thanks :)

  24. Your blooms are gorgeous and they are so much more lovelier and profuse in your climate zone. Wonderful collection of petunia, the double flower variety is beautiful!

  25. Such fun to see some familiar faces, and some new faces. I agree they are all gorgeous.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  26. are just ending winter...and we are just getting ready to end summer...I am always amazed at how beautiful everything there is...thanks for linking in!

  27. Beautiful selection of flowers, as usual, Bernie!

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!


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