
Monday, July 23, 2012

Mosaic Monday ... Sunbird Magic!

The bugs are out and about and partying wildly.  No, not garden bugs, but the horrid virus bugs.  One of the downsides to our glorious winters here, is that it's also the time of year when the virus bugs are partying.  I've been laid low for a few days now with some awful virus, but something that's helped to lift me out of the sick doldrums is the sight and sound of these wonderful little creatures.

I've been enjoying the visits of a pair of Yellow-Bellied Sunbirds.  They've been dropping in a few times a day to enjoy the nectar of the Salvias and Schlumbergeras out in the courtyard, and the Pentas in the downstairs garden bed.

The male is magnificent with his metallic blue chest and throat.  The female, not quite as stunning, but lovely nonetheless.  They are tiny little things and  have the most impressive long curved beaks.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. So sorry to hear you're not well, hope you get back on your feet soon :-) Those birds are really lovely, and they are so nice posing for you - the birds in my garden just fly away when I arrive with my camera!

    1. Helene, I just shoot a lot of shots and hope for the best. These little fellows are very quick, so I'm always pleased when I do get a decent photo.

  2. Exquisite birds. Great mosaic. xo Jenny

    1. Thanks so much, Jenny. They are lovely little birds.

  3. Get well soon! Love the sunbirds! LT

    1. You're very kind, thanks LE. I've had enough of the coughing and sneezing, and blowing and sniffling!!

  4. Bernieh,

    Sorry to hear that you have been ill. Hope you are better soon.

    I love the little sunbirds that you have here. They are really spectacular.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

    1. You're sweet, thank you Yael. I'm hoping I'll get over this soon. I get a little bored when I'm feeling sick and can't get out to do things. The Sunbirds are indeed spectacular little creatures, and they have the sweetest song too.

  5. assumed the sunbirds were enjoying the bugs until I remembered they are nectarphiles. Get well soon Bernie - thought of you this week when I came across a wild bird wednesday meme

    1. No Laura, the Sunbirds have been enjoying all the nectar in the blooms out in the garden. They have certainly brightened up my day again today though. Thanks for mentioning that meme. I will check it out as it sounds fantastic.

  6. Sorry to hear you have been unwell I hope you are feeling better soon. Hope Prince Albert has been keeping you company. And M has been looking after you. Take it easy hun get well soon.

    Beautiful little birds they look very small about the size of our wren. I love the picture of the female on the Schlumbergeras.

    1. Thank you sweet lady. Prince Albert has indeed been keeping watch over me. I can't move inside the house without him turning up at the kitchen door to see if I'm alright. He really is a lovely old boy. M has been doing his very best to look after me, so I'm in good hands.

  7. Hope you feel better soon Bernie. I love the colorful birds. Valerie

  8. Dear Bernie ~ Hope you are feeling much better SOON. Glad these lovely birds and your wonderful blooms have had their share in your healing process. Your photos are fantastic as always.

    Be well ~ FlowerLady

  9. Absolutely breathtaking!!! WOW! The birds' beauty is exquisite!!! Have a wonderful day! Cathy

  10. Bernie...sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I do hope it is nothing serious and you will be right as rain again very soon! Those beautiful birds! How enjoyable it would be to watch them.
    Take it very easy for a while Ms Bernie!

  11. Doesn't sound like fun, but at least you have those wonderful birds to bring a little cheer! They are so pretty, especially that blue throat on the male. Hope you will be feeling better soon so you can really enjoy your winter!

  12. So sorry to hear you have not been well. It looks as though you have been using your time wisely though getting good shots of those lovely sunbirds.

  13. Bernie, thanks for stopping by! I see you can feel my pain, having been through this yourself! I am the school secretary. Our teachers are due in Wednesday, and their rooms look like a bomb went off! Poor things!

  14. Hope you are feeling better! Amazing pictures. P. x

  15. Sorry to hear you have the bug. We have just got over it. The sun bird is glorious.

  16. I hope you get well soon. All the pretty creatures in your garden wish you the best too!

  17. Well, those darn Virus bugs have been circulating up here in Canada too, unfortunately. Caught mine on my last few days of vacation, and it 'blossomed' into pneumonia... viral, so no meds will help! :>( It has definitely slowed me down, cuz I get so tired and out of breath so easily... It's been over two weeks, am slowly improving, but I've spent some of my down time on the computer instead of outside in the garden, and found Blotanical. Silver lining in everything... :>0 looking forward to learning more about gardening in the deep south!

  18. Gloriously coloured birds and flowers. Happy week~

  19. These birds are so colorful and interesting. I can see why you love watching them. They are majestic and those beaks...


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