
Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... As Mid-Winter Comes To An End!

Our mid-Winter month is coming to an end and here in my northern tropics garden it's time for some of the Begonias to strut their flower stuff.

Now, the Dragon Wing Begonias flower pretty much all-year round ...

... as do the Begonia semperflorens or Bedding Begonia.

But around this time of year I get to see flower spikes again on my

Begonia 'Tiger Paws'

and on the Cane Begonias, also known as Tree Begonias.

I'm also starting to see the colourful bract on my Vriesea Bromeliad ...

... and the flower spike on my Aechmea gamosepala or Matchstick Bromeliad.

The first stark white flowers of my still stunted / recovering  Bauhinia variegata 'Alba' have appeared.

It's a joy to see the blooming cycle return to normal on this poor tree.  It's still got a bit of growing to do to catch up to what it was like in its glory days, but it's looking quite healthy and happy.

While I'm on the topic of still-recovering trees on my property ... it's perhaps not all that surprising that it's the old right side of the Tabebuia impetiginosa that's been flowering this Winter.  The left side of the tree was significantly damaged by cyclonic winds and falling branches from our neighbour's trees during Yasi last year.  Almost every limb on that side of the tree had to chopped back to the trunk.  There's significant re-growth on that side now, but not one single bloom yet.

The right side though has carried on as usual though and has been showing off the beautiful pink yellow-throated flowers.

Last Friday I showed off my favourite big, blousy, frilly, double Petunias, so I thought I should show the lovely singles that are blooming at the moment this week.

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers  meme.

I'm joining Nix for Floral Friday Fotos.

and I'm joining Tina for Weekend Flowers


  1. Gorgeous blooms. Your blog is a nice escape. It is so hot here right now. I came back from a trek this morning and am completely wiped out. Yowsa! I really like your matchstick bromeliad. Cool little flowers. All my best. Chris

    1. It seems like quite a few of your are experiencing a very hot and dry summer over there this year, Chris. I understand completely how you're feeling zapped of all energy. It's the same here during our horrid summers.

  2. Always lovely Bernie. It is difficult to grow begonia in our area, they die during the dry season, am always envious of your climate. I've seen that white Bauhinia in a garden here and it is beautiful, though it needs more space as it is a tree.

    1. G'day Kalantikan! I too have had some casualties amongst my Rex Begonias during our dry season. I have learnt not to be tempted to give them too much water even when I think they're very dried out. I've lost a few along that particular learning journey. The white Bauhinia grows into a very big tree and sure does need lots of room.

  3. Your begonias are just beautiful! Love the bromeliads too.

    1. Thanks Beth. Begonias are definitely one of my favourite plants. I'm learning to like Bromeliads. I've only just started growing them in the last two years.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jim. Hope the winter down there is not too unbearable.

  5. Lovely colours on the begonias. We have a front moving through, so it feels pretty much mid winter still, raining and strong winds again. My neighbour also gave me a few bromeliads which I hope will do well here, she got it from someone inland. We will see. Great pics as always, Bernie. LT

    1. Hi LT. No rain here, but we've certainly had some strong winds every now and then. That is rather typical of our winter here though. I'm sure your Broms will do well. Mine get very little attention from me and seem to do beautifully.

  6. You garden with such an amazing variety of plants... must be a touch of Heaven at your place! Larry

    1. Very kind, thanks Larry. I think your garden would qualify as a touch of heaven. Mine is more of a 'one the first rung of the ladder to heaven'!!! Heaven is a long way off.

  7. Good morning lovely lady and thank you for sending some lovely Aussie sunshine it's been wonderful. What a treat to see your beautiful Bauhinia variegata 'Alba' flowering I am a teeny bit jealous because I would love to have this in my garden it's stunning. Your garden is a Technicolor dream garden so many exciting plants to look at.
    Hope you have recovered and are feeling well again. Have a good weekednd.
    We have a birthday party tomorrow Maddy is 2. Where does the time go!

    1. Only too happy to share, Sue. Just in time for the Olympics too!! I've been overjoyed to see the Bauhinia in bloom. It's a relatively modest display at the moment, but that's perfectly fine with me.

      I'm slowly recovering, thanks. This bug was a particular nasty one and I'm still barking like a dog! Albert, on the other hand, has been very very quiet. His excessive barking has stopped now and he seems to have settled down very well. Fingers crossed.

      Hard to believe your Maddy is going on 2!!! My Maddy actually starts Prep next year. Unbelievable. Well, I suppose there's not much we can do about it, Grandma.

  8. Thank you for this lovely grouping of blooms from your gardens.

    I love your begonias, I only have one kind and I'm not sure what kind it is. White blooms, huge green leaves.

    I really love your Tabebuia impetiginosa. What a beauty!!!

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  9. visiting your blog is always a feast to the eye.
    beautiful flowers!


  10. Bernie, that Tiger Paw Begonia is great, have not seen that one here. I have the white right now with the bronze leaves and they are doing quite well in the heat. I am going to put more of them in next year. I am glad to see that your trees are finally coming back after all of your bad weather. The Bromeliads are a thought for a planter next year, only sold as houseplants here, but would probably work outside in summer.


  11. Very pretty! Petunias and begonias are typical summer flowers here, they don't survive our winters.

  12. Bernie your begonias are just so beautiful. You have quite a few in your garden. I love the white blooms against the dark foliage on that one in particular. It is good news to hear that your Tabebuia is growing well and starting to recover. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  13. Hi Bernie...the Tabebuia impetiginosa is a pretty little thing! One thing about begonias you can't beat them for being reliable. We are all just quite disgusted here about the flowers this year. I am ready to slash and cut. Think I have lost several things and at this point I dont care.
    Hope today is a better day for you.

  14. I love you photography, the light is always beautiful on the flowers and I always await the very unique.

  15. A lovely selection of shots, Bernie.

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  16. Bernie, You have some of the same flowers blooming in mid-winter that I have in mid-summer (e.g., petunias). I love the colors of the matchstick Bromeliad. -Jean

  17. So many beautiful flowers! You have more at the moment than I do, as it is pretty hot and dry. I enjoyed seeing your varieties of begonias.
    ~Julie in PA, USA

  18. Whatever the seson/weather you have beautiful flowers to flaunt. I like begonias and they are fairly tough but mine have all withered this winter. Do they do best in sun or shade? What fertiliser do you use? Hope you don't mind sharing your green thumb.

  19. Your begonias have pretty flowers and I love the one with polka dotted leaves. I find it difficult to photograph begonias because some of them have such small flowers. Your white bauhinia is gorgeous.

  20. Hi Bernie, lovely pictures as always, loved your Begonia 'Tiger Paws' and the Tree Begonias. My begonias are flowering too right now, funny we have the same plants in flower :-)

  21. Mid winter and you have so many gorgeous flowers, mid winter here we are lucky to see the garden for all the rain, or sometimes snow . sighhhh!

  22. Lovely images, Bernie!! I'm so jealous of your garden.


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