
Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This Early Winter's Friday.

June is officially our first Winter month here in Australia, but up here in the northern tropics our Winter is vastly different to most of the southern half of our great country.  Today it's a beautiful 22 deg C (71 F) right now at midday, and we're expecting a low tonight of around 11 deg C (51 F).  It's a gorgeous early Winter's day!

While we had another rather unusual day of rain last Friday and overcast conditions through last weekend, the weather predictions for this coming long weekend are for lovely clear blue-sky days.  So, as we head into the Queen's Birthday long weekend, let's see what's blooming around my place today.

Calliandra surinamensis or pink Powder Puff has begun blooming.  This shrub always blooms several weeks after the red Powder Puff begins blooming.

A couple more blooms are appearing for the next blooming cycle on the Polygala.

Celosia argentea or Cockscomb are beginning to fill out and show their wonderful flower heads.

The tiny white flowers of the Tradescantia spathacea or Rhoeo spathacea, the Boat Lily, are poking their heads out of the boat-shaped bracts that enclose the flower.

My oldest hardiest double Gerbera is still showing off.

There's a lot more colour out in the shadehouse garden these days with the Dragon Wing Begonias, Streptocarpus and Impatiens walleriana blooming.

Salvia madrensis continues to show it flower spikes.

 In the courtyard, the Euphorbia leucocephala or Snowflake Bush is still displaying it bracts and blooms.

Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore' is also still showing off its white bracts and tiny flowers at the back of the courtyard.

My other pretty little Schlumbergera is finally full of buds and the first blooms have begun to open.

I love the soft peach pastel colour of this Zygocactus.  It's interesting how this particular Zygo is never ever the first of my two Zygos to bloom.  It's always the follower!

The frilly double Petunia blooms are now all on display out in the courtyard as well.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Nix at Floral Friday Fotos

and Tina at Weekend Flowers


  1. Must be time for me to start thinking about a holiday to North Queensland. You have such great winter weather.

  2. All the flowers are so pretty! Australia is the place for me to go to escape our tropical heat in June, to enjoy winter there.

  3. thanks for your beautiful weekend flowers! :)

  4. Great pictures you show of some beautiful flowers. Wishing you a good weekend :)

  5. Your courtyard looks beautiful even in the rain and your garden is like a botanical wonderland. I just rescued my pot plants from their sheltered spot in the garden where they live when We go away. Only one succumbed to a wog but I'm nursing it back to life. We had lots of rain while I was away so that helped keep most of them alive.

  6. Good morning! It feels like winter over here at the moment. You have some real stunners in your garden at the moment. I love the polygala and the Euphorbia and the first photo of your courtyard is just wonderful I love that view.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  7. This impression of a seemingly cool day is really impressing beautiful. And I will definitely come back more often to gain more impressions. Kind regards, Julie ♥

  8. Once again your post has made me want to get up and go outside to work in my gardens. Your blooms and foliage are all so lovely. I've never seen a Polygala, and love the color. I really liked the Mussaenda philippica too.

    Enjoy your lovely winter weather, it is hot and very steamy in s.e. FL.


  9. You have a very civilized winter down there, so temperate, so beautifully full of color. The first shot of the glistening wet courtyard is inviting!

  10. Your garden looks so lush and full. Love the first picture of the patio. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Hi Bernie....wish our winters looked like yours!

  12. Hi Bernie, your gardens are so lush and your current weather is comfortable and mild. What a wonderful time of year! I love the picture of the patio, that is perfection! Cheers, Jenni

  13. Oh Bernie I love that Euphorbia. It is just so gorgeous and that orange bloom is a knockout on it. Your courtyard looks so lush and lovely. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  14. Your winter temperature is much warmer than our spring and summer temperatures so far! It is supposed to warm up soon. Beautiful garden you have.

  15. Beautiful! Your winter weather sounds like our summer so far!

  16. Thank you Bernie!! I am incredibly honoured. Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. And congratulations on receiving the award yourself :)


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