
Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... The Day After Our Winter Solstice.

Yesterday, June 19th, was Winter Solstice for us Downunder.  Whilst Winter Solstice celebrates the beginning of Winter in many places around the world, particularly the northern hemisphere; here in Australia our seasons officially begin on the first day of a particular calendar month.  Our Winter officially began on the first day of June, and not yesterday. We simply recognise Winter Solstice as the shortest day of our year and the time when we start looking forward to longer days and shorter nights. 

Yesterday was a glorious day here in my north-eastern tropical corner, and a very mild winter's day.  The temps last night were almost summery and then something even stranger occurred just as our Winter Solstice day was drawing to an end.  We heard soft tinkling splashes of rain on our tin roof all through the night!

The view from the verandah this morning was rather dreary.  The hills were hard to spot in amongst the grey cloud coverage and the rain has continued falling softly all morning.  It's still falling as I type up this post.  We're in the midst of our dry season here, and rain during our first winter month of June is not all the common.  We did get a few millimetres back at the beginning of the month, and admittedly the rain that fell overnight was very light indeed, but still it's a little out of the ordinary for this time of year.  Delightful, all the same!

The courtyard garden is splashed with little raindrops,

as is the shadehouse garden.  I'm afraid I didn't venture any further to take shots of what's blooming this week.

 Out in the courtyard I can see ...

Petunia 'Hot Lips'

Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues'

Petunia 'Giant Victorious'

Petunia double white


Angelonia angustifolia

Justicia carnea - white

Impatiens walleriana - double white

Pansy 'Faces Mix'

Streptocarpus caulescens

Euphorbia leucocephala

and Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'.

Out in the shadehouse I can see ...

more Streptocarpus caulescens

Barleria obtusa

 Impatiens walleriana


and Dragon Wing Begonias.

There are a couple of really beautiful blooms inside the house at the moment.  I was given a couple of Orchid blooms just the other day and they're adorning the bench in my kitchen at the moment.  They are simply lovely.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers,

Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

and Weekend Flowers


  1. Bernie, your photos are absolutely gorgeous. So funny to read about you having winter, when we are in the middle of summer, well supposedly...according to the calendar anyway - haven't really seen any summer yet! Loved your double petunias and your courtyard garden looks splendid :-)

    1. Thanks so much Helene. Yes our winter has begun here. Of course, here in the northern tropics it's always rather mild. The showers of rain today have been an added bonus. The garden looks a lot perkier today!

  2. Just in your courtyard and shadehouse you have more flowers than my entire garden at the moment. They are amazing. Our temperatures have been a bit cool for many flowers.

    1. Yes Missy, I've seen the temps down there. Your overnights are a little chilly! I'm on my way down to visit my son and his family in the next few days, so I'm going to have to find my big jumpers and coats and pull them out of storage!!!

  3. You are so blessed Bernie, for living in the best part of the world. Hmm, i want to stay with you for a while and help you in gardening, hahaha!

    1. Well, it's definitely the best part of the world here during our Winter, but I think I'd have to disagree when we're in the midst of a long hot horrid Summer!!! You would be most welcome to stay a while if you're ever over this way, Kalantikan. I'm sure I could find some little job for you out in the garden.

  4. How I wish we'd get a bit more of that rain.... your patio looks fantastic with all the amazing plantings! Larry

    1. Thanks Larry. It's not quite as colourful out in the courtyard as it has been over the last two years at this time of year. I've been a little tardy in getting more pots of annuals going, but I think I'm rather pleased with how it's all looking out there at the moment.

  5. I always enjoy looking at your garden even from here. Love the vast variety of plants and colours! You have an amazing courtyard. I like how those impatiens spilling out from there ;-) And that 'Giant Victorious' and double white petunia are beautiful!

    1. I confess I am a plant nut, Stephanie. I think I'd find it hard not having lots of space for all the different plants I grow. I love the variety too. Impatiens have always been a part of my gardening life. They are an all-time and old-time favourite of mine. They just do so very well here as long as they're not out in the direct summer sunshine. Right now I have a few out in the winter sunshine all day, but they cope well with that. They will move to shadier spots at the end of the year. I am now a confirmed die-hard fan of the huge double Petunias. They look terrific out in the courtyard.

  6. Dear, dear Bernie ~ Every time I visit I am inspired, and in love with your gardens and what you grow even more than the last visit. Such beauty and lushness.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  7. Bernie,

    Your flowers are lovely in the rain. Seeing droplets hanging from the flowers and stems gives them an even fresher look. It is raining here this morning too, but a good 10 F degrees cooler. I do so love gardens after a gentle rain.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  8. I really like seeing blooms dripping with rain drops. So lush and the colors seem to pop. Your cut flowers are very pretty as well.

  9. All your plants look quite happy with their raindrops. I love your double white impatiens Bernie and the Plume flower is so pretty. I like white blooms in the garden. At least with a gentle rain it soaks into the ground well and does not run off. Your Mona Lavender Plectranthus is another beauty. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Happy winter solstice! We are at summer solstice here and loving the rain (and the long, long days), but I know what you mean about a winter rain. It's a beautiful thing! I love your verandah view! You are so lucky to live in such a place!

  11. Hi bernie, light rain is not how I imagine your climate. Torrential or not at all is what I imagine. So the flowers look very peaceful and happy with gentle droplets. I love the gray sky view with the wavy verandah roof. (?) Pansies are the cutest flowers, and that one is no exception. Looking a bit shy, I think. cheers, cm

  12. Miss Bernie ~ Your beginning of winter gardens rivals any summer garden. I love visiting and seeing what you have in bloom love all the rain drop kissed pretties you are sharing.
    hugs, Cherry

  13. Once again, a stunning collection, Bernie!

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  14. I am just so happy to see that you have linked in this week...and to have the chance to visit here today!! I thank you so much for linking in and sharing your post with my party today!
    I have shared your post this week with the Tootsie Time Facebook page.
    Have a wonderful week...what is left of it! lol
    I wonder how far from you my grade school girlfriend lives...she just moved there last year. ...
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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