
Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... As Our last Autumn Month Winds Down.

The glorious Autumn days continue with fabulous blue skies and comfy temperatures.   I'm now committed to my usual 'dry' season watering schedule as we've only had one day of showers in seven weeks now.  I find the handheld-hose watering very relaxing after a long day's work though, and look forward to that task at the end of the day.

So onto what's blooming around the place today.

I'm finding Ruellia tweediana popping up in several corners of our property.  I'm thinking of actually transplanting some of them to a few little spots down the driveway in the hope they will spread and fill in some of the holes.

I'm now seeing some of the Petunia blooms out in the courtyard.

I'm really looking forward to seeing more of these 'Giant Victorious' blooms.  The first few are certainly quite large.

My old favourites, 'Stars Mixed', are starting their show.   Of course, I'm rather partial to the purple!

The new addition this year, 'Hot Lips', is fast becoming another favourite. 

What else is on show out in the courtyard?

Torenia 'Clown Mix'

Tornia 'Purple Magic'

 Gomphrena globosa 'Buddy Purple' and Angelonia angustifolia 'Serena White'

 Schlumbergera or Zygocactus

 Portulaca or Sun Jewels

 Cordyline 'Purple King'

 Salvia farinacea 'Strata'

 Salvia farinacea 'Victoria White'

 Crossandra infundibuliformis 'Glamour Puss'

 Viola hederacea or Native Violet

 Duranta repens 'Geisha Girl'

Double white Impatiens walleriana

and there are flowers on my Dracaena godseffiana of Gold Dust Dracaena.

Elsewhere around my place ...

Out in the shadehouse, the usuals are blooming.

 Dragon Wing Begonia

 Impatiens walleriana

 The last bloom on my Orchid is slowly starting to fade,

and the blooms on this unknown plant, that popped up in amongst some pass-along Orchids, are on show once again.  They are sweet little flowers, and so tiny!  I wish I knew what this plant is!

Out in the tiered garden beds, that sit just outside the shadehouse garden door ....

 the pink Angelonia angustifolia

and the purple are both coming back well.

 Salvia madrensis is blooming again.

 Mandevilla 'White Fantasy' is showing just a couple of blooms.

My Callistemon 'Pink Champagne' has begun another blooming cycle for the year.  I'm enjoying the regular flowering periods of this beauty.

Last of all, I have two new additions for one of the rock garden sections out along the driveway.  I've been on the lookout for a couple more Turnera subulata and I was lucky enough to find some during the week during one of my pop-in nursery visits! 

I'm joining Tootsie's meme Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Nix's meme Floral Friday Fotos

and Weekend Flowers


  1. A visit to your blog is always a treat! After seeing your profusely blooming angelonias, I realized that my pink one is missing, presumed dead, from the garden:-( I would love to see pictures of your rock garden.

    1. Lotusleaf, what a shame your Angelonia didn't come back. I really want to add lots more of these lovely plants in the future as I've found them to be so well suited to the conditions here. I popped in to see your blog only to find you've also posted some lovely shots of Ruellia this week. Thankfully they're not much of a pest at my place.

      As for pictures of my developing rock garden areas, you should pop over to my other blog. I've posted some photos of these two spots just recently in my Garden Journal posts.

  2. All your flowers are so beautiful! Most of them can be found here in Singapore and they bloom all year long.

    1. Jama, we are both so very lucky that we have some of these lovely things blooming all year round. Thanks very much for stopping by to visit.

  3. Great pictures you show.
    Wishing you a good weekend.
    Hanne Bente /

    1. Thanks again for visiting Hanne. It looks like it's going to be a fabulous weekend once again.

  4. How I wish I could walk through your garden and enjoy the perfume of your flowers it would be sensory overload! You have so many beautiful blooms this week.
    I’m getting a bit fed up with rain over here I am only getting short bursts of gardening time. Have a good weekend….in the sunshine. …now where did I put the umbrella.

    1. Sueb, you would enjoy the perfume of the Jasmine out in the courtyard at the moment. The huge Murraya down by the hill driveway is about to burst into bloom once more, and the perfume from those flowers will be intoxicating. I just wish we had smell-o-vision so I could share it with you. I also wish I could share some of this sunshine!

  5. You have some very stunning colour still going on here. Happy Gardening!

    1. Diane, that's one of the advantages of living in the tropics. We get to have colour all-year round. Thanks so much for visiting. I appreciate your lovely comment.

  6. Love the double white impatiens and your petunias. The native violet is pretty too. We have those here as well. Have a nice wknd!

    1. Thanks Beth. The double Impatiens are definitely favourites of mine too. I need to add more of those lovely native Violets around the place. That job has been on my to-do list for a while, but I still haven't gotten around to actually doing it.

  7. Beautiful flowers. Spring has only just begun here in Holland in my garden. Buds are appearing and we're cleaning everything in anticipation of the flowers arrival. Glad to meet you. xo Jenny

    1. Thank you for visiting today Jenny, it's always great to greet new visitors. I'm so glad you enjoyed a quick view of some of the lovely blooms here right now. I will definitely visit your blog to see what's going on over there in Holland. I bet you're more than excited that Spring has begun at last.

  8. Love your images today for Fertilize Friday... I followed Tootsie over to your site! Happy Growing this season and I look forward to coming back and seeing your garden grow.

    1. Glad to see you Bren. I'm rather looking forward to seeing the annuals take off and fill the courtyard with a lot more colour.

  9. You have such an amazing number and variety of flowers!! Really spectacular! And, your photography is really good, too :)

    1. You're very kind, thanks Libby. I have to admit that I'm a bit of a plant nut, so I do have quite a few different things around the place. It's great fun though.

  10. Hi Bernie, I had a difficult time opening your site, my laptop is so slow and my office PC had to be reformatted. I might not be able to post as frequently! You have a lot of plants. I love the very purple petunia, haven't seen that variegated Crossandra, i have the ordinary green, that cordyline oh i love it. I asked you in FB to please post the cordyline plant which produced that. Our Dracaena, the sister of that one have hanging flowers, and our Dracaena fragrans are also not blooming. However, i can't get photos as i wont go home this weekend. Two years ago they start floering already, though not open yet! But i dont like that Turnera, just like the T ulmifolia they get invasive here!

    1. Sorry to hear you're having so many difficulties Andrea. The variegated Crossandra is not all that common here either. It does have great foliage and is certainly worth finding. I will most definitely post a photo of the entire Cordyline for you, so look out for it.

      My Dracaena fragrans only bloom every few years here. They really like the wet tropics further north, and struggle to bloom in this part of the north. Again, because of the dry conditions for most of the year here, Turnera never becomes invasive, so I'm only too happy to plant them in the ground..

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Tina. It's always a treat to join in your meme.

  12. A gorgeous series of shots, as usual, Bernie. Autumn is as resplendent as the other seasons in your part of the world, it seems.

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

    1. Nix, Autumn up here is just the most wonderful time of the year. Well, late Autumn through to early Spring really! Thanks once again for your lovely comment.

  13. I love the bright happy colors in your garden. So pretty! Thanks for sharing all those lovely photos! ~~Rhonda

  14. Love all your flowers Bernie! Thanks for sharing them to us.

    Cacti Flowers

  15. A beautiful post, as always. I do so like to see what it growing in your courtyard garden.

  16. Gorgeous as usual. I have some Ruellia in pink and yes it should fill in your bare spots with no problem.

  17. Beautiful flowers. The cordylines we have here never look anything like that, what a great colour combination, I love the purple and yellow.

  18. Lovely photos and flowers. I like the petunias best.

  19. I am so happy to see that you have linked in today...what a great post...I hope you have a great mother's day weekend, and a super week next week! Hugs from Alberta Canada....I hope you will join me again soon! I shared this post on my facebook for Tootsie Time page...just so you are aware

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  20. Bernie,
    I always enjoy seeing your lovely flowers, thanks once again for sharing.

  21. Bernie always amazed by your array of flowers but that Cordyline Purple King is a stunner - I've always expected Cordyline flowers to be white - does it have a scent?

  22. OH my goodness you have so many pretties I had to do a triple take!! I love them all but the Salvia farinacea 'Strata' is right up my alley love it..
    Have a wonderful week hugs, Cherry


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