
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... Heading Towards The End Of Summer.

Even though the Summer season supposedly finishes at the end of February, our Summer weather will continue for a lot longer yet.  I'm really looking forward to the change now as I've planted out a few more of the bald spots around the place and I'm hoping these little newbies will start taking off when things cool down.

One of the new babies in one of the driveway garden beds is this gorgeous Abutilon.  There was no varietal name attached, so I'm just calling it Abutilon 'Apricot Angel'!  I think it suits.  I've also planted up a very pretty pinker version and a creamy lemony one.  Hopefully they will both bloom very soon.

Here's another newbie to the driveway garden bed.  It's Ixora 'Twilight Glow'.  I have had one of these growing in a large pot out in my courtyard garden and I've also been pleased with the colour of the flowers. I couldn't resist adding it down beside the driveway.  I think it will add much needed colour in a rather barren spot.

One of the new plants under the recently finished new pergola out in the courtyard is this Wrightia antidysenterica 'Arctic Snow'.  Again, I've had one of these growing in a large pot out in the courtyard itself and I really wanted another splash of white under the pergola.  It was the perfect choice.

Elsewhere around the place ...

... this lovely Pentas really pairs well with the Caladium 

... and the Justicia brandegeana goes well with the Iresine herbstii.

I also love the contrast between this white Pentas and the lovely Cordyline 'Red Wings'.

One of the things I'm enjoying most about the summer garden right now, is the perfume wafting around in the early mornings from the gorgeous Fiddlewood tree flowers.  The flowers tend to go unnoticed unless you're right up close to the tree, as they're not all that large, but you can not miss the beautiful sweet perfume from these flower sprays.

I'll finish up today with two of my favourite sights at the moment.

This patch of Portulacas is such a cheery sight ...

... and the flowerhead on this self-seeding Celosia is just stunning.

(I've posted a little early this week, as I'm off to a family re-union but I didn't want to miss flaunting time!    Yet another hopeless gardening blogger, lol!)

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers  her meme,

and Nix's meme Floral Friday Fotos


  1. I'm so envious of your garden. There are plats here that I haven't seen before but also many that I have too. You must spend hours in the garden and working too. How do you do it?

  2. Love your new additions to the garden. The Abutilon looks very much like 'apricot glow'.
    But I like your name it sounds so much prettier. Have a wonderful few days with the family.

  3. I stopped by from Floral Friday Fotos. I really enjoyed variety of sweet flowers. Have a nice day.

  4. What a gorgeous garden you have. I am always amazed at your flowers. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Bernie loved the blog and the pics remind me of what i miss about home ,that being Tassie but Australia really . These days i live in thailand and write a couple of blogs on gardening.Gardening here is so different from Tassie ,and Victoria ,Perth mainly because everything grows so quick weeds included. They do grow a lot of Euc species here though . Anyway i just wanted to say hello and you can catch my blog at and even some of your readers might like cheers Steve.

  6. Hejsa.
    Super flotte billeder du viser.
    Ønsker dig en god dag.
    Knus Hanne Bente

  7. Hi Bernie,

    Many of the flowers you can grow in your garden year round are tropicals here that are available by catalog to use outside for a short time or inside the home. I love that Celosia different than any I have seen. The nurseries sell the Abutilon and I did grow it one year outside but not with much success.


  8. Bernie your plant pairings are just wonderful. I have problems in that area. I love your new Abutilon and that is a perfect name for it. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  9. Beautiful selection of plants and flowers once again, Bernie! Your garden must be a pleasure to visit, but you must work so hard to keep looking wonderful!

    Thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  10. Beautiful flowers.

    Regards and best wishes

  11. Can see you love flowers! I kept changing my mind about which I like the best! But we have the first ones by the side of our house in lemon yellow (they're also called a Chinese rose here). Hope you had a great time!

  12. What a lovely colourful garden with sprays of flowers and colourful foliage.
    They are just beautiful.

  13. Bernie, you have so many wonderful flowers that I haven't even heard of, or perhaps only have seen as indoor plants :-) My part of the world is slowly warming up, we had 18 degrees Thursday in London and I planted 3 new roses. My first daffodil has opened up, spring is here. Yay!

  14. Some beautiful pairings here Bernie and the oranges in triplicate particular caught my fancy

  15. It looks like summer is still very much in full swing in your garden! I love the dazzling patch of Portulacas. Although your summer may be starting to fade though, I'm so glad that it means we're about to finally start spring!

  16. Nice pictures of flowers you have there. Hope I can start having my own backyard soon and have similar results like this. Do you have roses as well? Hope to see some because I'm a big fan of those.

  17. Nice pictures of flowers you got there. Do you have some roses in your backyard as well? I'm a huge fan of roses. Hope you can post some pictures if you do have. Hope I can have flowers like these in my garden.


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