
Monday, January 9, 2012

Mosaic Monday ... Showcase of Native Flora Blooms.

I had the privilege recently of visiting our Australian National Botanic Gardens way down south in Canberra.  This particular botanic garden showcases all Australian natives ... there's not an introduced species to be found.  So many of the native trees and shrubs were blooming while I was there and I just had to share some of these beauties again.

Banksias ...

Grevilleas and Callistemons ...

Eucalyptus/Gums, Daisies, Kangaroo Paws, Christmas Bells and Acacias/Wattles.

I'm joining Mary's meme Mosaic Monday.  Pop over to see loads more fabulous photo mosaics.


  1. Dear Bernie. Marvellous and beautyful photos. I admire all your tropic plants and trees. Whenever I se Banksias, they remind me of a book I have, given to me 32 years ago from an aussie friend, ´Snugglepot & Cuddlepie` by May Gibbs. I´ve always loved that book, and especially, all the gorgeous drawings. I cherish that book. - We can buy Kangaroo Paws here, but they have to grow in the wintergarden during our autumn and wintertime. Have a great day. Best regards, Iris.

  2. The Grevilleas and Callistemons are beautiful. The Banksias are new to me.I like them too!

  3. It is always so wonderful to stop by your blog. I know I am going to see something different than the usual here. V

  4. Hi Bernie - Such native riches down under - and beautifully photographed to boot. Love your header photos too - great to see the fauna as well as the flora!

  5. Bernie, the trees are so unusual especially the one with the white bark.


  6. All of the collage are beautifully done, but I must say the blast of colour from the banksias is incredible and brightens up my overcast winter day!

  7. a marvellous salute to your indigenous plants Bernie - 90% of your flora only native to Australia...but fortunately some can grow here too. Even the lovely spidery Grevilleas.


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