
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordless Wildlife On Wednesday ... A Lesson On Getting Down A Tall Gum Tree

(Check out the slide down, the side-step, the face-first and grab, the quick leap and the backwards glide!  All you ever needed to know about getting down a tall gum tree without actually trying to fly down!)

My almost Wordless Wednesday post ... lesson courtesy of Professor Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo!


  1. Well there you go. I would have thought they would just fly away, but I was wrong about that.

    Have a terrific WW. :)

  2. What a lovely bird. There was a similar white bird with yellow top feathers in a garden center behind my childhood home. He would whistle to us when we came to visit him after school. They kept him in a cage and he spoke too. He was there with other tropical birds, but it is nice to see them in the wild. thanks for the video. Cheers Lori

  3. They can get away with the gymnastics. In event of failure, wings provide a dandy backup.

  4. Sandee, for some reason this one just wasn't all that interested in flying down!

    Lori, I much prefer to see them in their natural habitat. I just feel so sorry for birds that live most of their lives in cages. These birds can often 'talk' when in captivity. They are apparently quite clever creatures.

    Angie, glad you enjoyed the clip ... and the music!

    Stan, these birds have lots of character and charm ... it's just their noise that can be annoying at times.

  5. clever use of beak as descender hook- the 2 toe crampons back and front make the vertical sideways slide an impressive feat! Must be hard to have conversations when they are in the back garden Bernie.

  6. Too funny!! These cockatoos look goofy even when sitting still.

  7. Now that was taking the hard way down. LOL! That beak really came in handy.

  8. Fabulous film Bernie, I could sit and watch these birds all day long.

  9. Wow Bernie! These birds are beautiful. When I showed them to my husband he said and look what we have wrens and sparrows!


  10. Love these birds! I am hopping through on Wednesdays hop! Follow back please Parga's Junkyard Blogand on facebook!


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