
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's A Wordless Wildlife Wednesday.

(Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and stop the Playlist.  Then you will be able to hear one of my favourite bird's song)

(Song of the Little Shrike Thrush - Colluricincla megarhyncha)

I'm joining Wordless Wednesday today.


  1. This little bird has a stunning song. :0)

  2. What an incredible capture! What sort of bird is that? Loved hearing and seeing the bird sing!

  3. this must be my very favourite all time post in the blogosphere!

  4. Sue, I'm enjoying the song of a pair of Little Shrike Thrushes who are always sitting out in the courtyard every morning these days! It's a lovely way to be awoken.

    Aerie-el, this is the Little Shrike Thrush and while the bird is rather drab looking, the song is just wonderful.

    Thanks Catmint. It's brilliant to be hearing this fantastic bird song every day lately. Such a great song!

  5. My cockatoo, Creem Cheez, got to hear your video and it must have reminded him of home. He started vocalizing like crazy. I don't know how old he was when he was caught in Australia, but I have had him since 1984. I think he remembered home. Pretty bird calls.


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