
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today's Flowers ... Begonias.

Begonias are a common sight in my dry tropics garden.  They are so well suited to the conditions here and simply thrive in the shady spots around the garden.  When you grow a lot of Begonias, you start to take notice of the beauty of their tiny little flowers.  Whether it's the every-blooming Dragon Wing sprays or the tiny dainty flowers of the Rexs, Begonia flowers have an undeniable beauty.

For Today's Flowers I'm sharing some of the beautiful blooms that are appearing on the various Begonias growing in my garden right now.

 Unknown variety

Elatoir Begonia and Begonia semperflorens

More Begonia semperflorens, also known as Wax or Bedding Begonias

Cane Begonia or Tree Begonia

Dragon Wing Begonias - red and pink

Rex Begonias

To see lots of beautiful flowers, make sure you visit Today's Flowers

I'm also joining in Mosaic Monday  and I would recommend a visit to that meme as well,

and I'm joining Macro Monday for the first time.


  1. Your begonias are lovely, so many different varieties. I didn't know they grew so well in the tropics. I guess you can always find a shady spot. Nicely photographed too.

  2. Eine sehr schöne Serie exotischer Blüten, die es bei uns leider nicht gibt....super...
    LG: Karin

  3. Honestly, Bernie, I've never given much thought to begonias, although I often see them. Your beautiful presentation will make me look again... with new lenses. Thank you!

  4. Quite right to feature these beauties, Bernie. Too often regarded as useful bedding plants for colouring shade. Your images show their intricate butterfly features but also love the big blowsy ones. Fave has to be the unknown variety - let us know if you ever identify it. I see it as 'Milkmaid' with a soft blush on her cheeks!

  5. Ohhh, gorgeous, especially like the Rex ones!

  6. They are common here as bedding plants and annuals, but it is so different and nice to see them in a much better climate. I have a dragon wing that summers outside and winters indoors each year. I never made a flower yet though, still waiting and hoping for next year.

  7. Beautiful collection of begonias. I can grow all of these as annuals and the Rex as a houseplant. The Rex has become popular here this year to use outside. I had trouble with the tuberous begonia this year rotting from too much rain.


  8. Like Pieces of Sunshine i also didn't realize begonias grow well in the tropics. They need to be looked at close up to really appreciate their beauty and thank you for doing that - great pics.

  9. have a wonderful flowers in your garden...very pretty shots. thank you for sharing.

  10. Wow! Never really pay close attention to begonia flowers before. They are so tiny but so gorgeous! Great mosaics Bernie!

  11. Oh how pretty Bernie. Love them but I kill them every time. I even killed old Rex. LOL! I think I drown them or something silly.The first one is really pretty and the petals look so delicate.Just lovely.

  12. Your rex begonias are my favorites of your begonias. Thank you for sharing your lovely collection.


  13. Bernie, your begonias are just beautiful. Such beautiful colors. Wonderful photos and mosaics.

  14. The macro shots are fantastic...lovely petals! These are all such beautiful varieties...thanks for sharing.

  15. What a wonderful variety to your flowers. Very beautiful.

  16. They are such a beauty! your garden must be a lovely with so much blooms around.

  17. Wowie Zowie! Gorgeous flowers in your mosaics! Have a wonderful week!

  18. Wax begonias remind me of my mom, who loved to have them in pots near the door... Your flowers are so beautiful, Bernie! :)

  19. So many varieties! They are all beautiful!

  20. My father's favorite plant was begonia. He tenderly nursed them in the spring and gloried in them when they began to bloom. Wonderfully beautiful pictures!! Cathy

  21. Oh, those begonias are fabulous! Your blooms always look a little more exotic.

  22. I love begonias ... especially dragonwings and look forward to cooler weather! Your garden is always a joy to visit. Have a great week.

  23. Those are begonias? WOW! The first one looks like an exotic orchid! It's gorgeous! You must really have a green thumb! I love red begonias! Great mosaics! ♥

  24. Beautiful macro shots here!!! :)

  25. I didn't realize there are so many kinds of Begonias! Wow! I really love those white ones!

  26. Hi Bernie,
    You'll love Macro Monday and Lisa (our host). It's funny, but in the warm season the Macros lean towards flowers and insects and all things outdoors. In winter(your summer) the macro flowers die out and other themes appear. It's a fun group with such creative photographers.

    OK...I love Begonias, but they don't love me. I think Angel Wing Begonia was my last hold out. They seem to suffer from our prolonged heat spells. But...I'd try that lovely Tree Begonia you've got posted in a heartbeat. Wow!
    Thanks for stopping by today on my blog. :-)
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston :-)

  27. I love begonias, and not only because the deer leave them alone!

  28. Gorgeous begonias,especially the Rex!

  29. Hello Bernie! I found your blog from Mary's Little Red house Mosaic monday party.

    I love the pictures. I don't often see beautiful and refreshing flower pictures since I live in the city. I love to see each of them. I hope we could get to know each other better by following each others blogs :)

  30. Gorgeous collages. Happy Macro Monday

  31. such a beautiful variety of photos! Thanks for sharing them:-)

  32. Just I can say is this:
    Amazing blog with astounding images!

  33. Love your begonias, Bernie! I'm amazed at the variety of species.

  34. There is an amazing variety in leaf and flower colour - and shape too. It must be lovely to be able to grow them outside.

  35. Good show. The begonias really cheer up a space don't they. Very nice.

  36. Wow! What beautiful begonias...really love those pink dragon begonias, very delicate looking. You did a great job with all of these flower shots, growing them too.
    Smile today. :)

  37. Beautiful begonias! I never have luck with them! I killed 2 of them...sigh...

  38. Gorgeous begonias, I absolutely love that first one. I had no idea there were so many different varieties. I have grown the bedding and Rex varieties in the past.

  39. Wonderful collages!
    I especially like the last one for the colors and the varigated leaves.
    You have a lovely blog.
    Thanks for your visit.

  40. I adore begonias - I have a dragon wing that was grown from a cutting from one of my daughter-in-law's plants. I have since grown more plants from cuttings and have it in various places in the garden. I'll overwinter the potted one in the house and start over with cuttings for outdoors next spring. I also have a bed planted with begonias and impatiens. Your blooms are beautiful!

  41. I've never considered the beauty of begonias. I've used them in bedding for years but always as a kind of fill in plant. One year I was able to find a variegated begonia and overwintered it (we sometimes go below zero, Fahrenheit, here in upstate NY, United States). Next year I am going to showcase them more. Thank you.

  42. Wow! Very gorgeous collection of bergonia flowers.

    Nice macro shots as well.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons


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