
Monday, July 11, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Not Everything Is Black And White

No indeed, not everything in life is black and white.  Black and white are not always common sights in anyone's garden either.  I did, however, find a little bit of black and white in my garden last week.

Can you spot the black Spangled Drongoes sitting the White Gum?   

Now here's a beautiful white.  It's the first bloom on my Dietes.

Here's the Spangled Drongo up close.  I've been seeing quite a few of them around my place lately.  They have a distinctive long forked tail and red eye.

Last of all I'm highlighting the magnificent white Poplar Gums that surround my place.

For lots of terrific Mosaic Monday posts, go and visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Bernie, You take so many great photos of the different birds visiting your garden. They obviously love your trees. I'm wondering if you have a telephoto lens or because it is so quiet do they come really close?

  2. Hi Missy. No my old Canon Power Shot camera doesn't have a telephoto lens. It's more of a case that we are in a lovely peaceful quiet spot surrounded by trees and the birds are just at home. Sometimes, of course, they're up way too high for my old camera to get good shots so I have to wait for them to come a little closer ... and be lucky enough to be in the right spot at the right time.

  3. Love the "black and white" birds in the tree shot! And that dietes has the most gorgeous blossom on it!

    That is a seriously substantial beak on that bird. Combined with a red eye and I'm having a bit of an Alfred Hitchcock moment. ;)

  4. Hi Bernie,
    I just love this black and white theme. Such a nice idea.
    Hey, I just finished my Blogiversary post (edited and re-edited..ugh) and gave you a special part in the story of how I got started in garden blogging. Thanks so much for your inspiring blogs. You're a wonderful gardener and friend.
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston

  5. Bernie, I really like your idea of a black and white theme. It is also a treat to "visit" Australia and see birds and flowers I don't see here. Thank you for stopping by my blog; I'm glad you liked the sunset photograph.

  6. Molly, yes you're so right. The Spangled Drongo doesn't exactly look like the friendliest bird, but I can assure you they are lovely little things with the most beautiful song.

    David, I'm heading on over to your blog right now to wish you a happy Blogiversary. Thanks for your kind comment and I can say the reverse is true as well. I enjoy my visits so much and appreciate your gardening wisdom.

  7. Wow, that poplar gum, so white and bright. I love it. These are different kind of mosaics, nice!

  8. My Little Home And Garden, thank you for visiting. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your visit.

    Aussie ... those Poplar Gums really look fabulous in the early evening as the light fades. They stand out brilliantly.

  9. Like you say Nothing in life is black and white but I do love yours!

  10. The poplar gum has such a wonderfully white smooth bark It is really beautiful! Have a grand day! Cathy

  11. Hi Bernie: Another enjoyable post with birds and blooms not familiar to me but so beautiful. The white on the bark of the tree is so white. Beautiful. V

  12. Wow that is some really white bark. Sure catches your eye in a garden.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  13. The bird looks like an angry little fellow. Oh my! That dietes, which I have never seen before until now, is uniquely wonderful. Very striking in its white and black.

  14. I just love that beautiful Dietes, it kinda reminds me of a cross between an Iris and an Orchid.

  15. Oh Bernie that Poplar is so amazing. I love the white bark. I just adore that Dietes though. Just a grogeous bloom.

  16. So beautiful and so completely foreign - love it!!...especially the Gum Poplar.

  17. Hi Dietes stubbornly refuses to bloom... yours is de lovely. Wow those trees are amazing and your pics stunning.


  18. I love seeing the birds you have in your part of the world! And the white bark of those trees is beautiful! ♥

  19. Piękny biały kwiat z "ozdobami" w środku i białe drzewo. Pozdrawiam

  20. I love the pics of the birds, but I have to say that white poplar is stunning! I bet they look a bit ghostly at night!

  21. Beautiful Photo Mosaics!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  22. Bernie, Love the B&W. Those flowers are gorgeous and the poplar gum trees are so interesting and very pretty. Nice post. Love the music too. Mickie :)


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