
Monday, July 25, 2011

Mosaic Monday... Crooning 'Bout The Birds And The Bees

For some inexplicable reason, an old crooner's song came to my mind this week as I was musing on a topic for this week's MM post.  Don't ask me why!  But sing along if you know the melody ...

Let me tell ya 'bout the birds ...

... and the bees

The flowers ...

... and the trees

The moon up above ...

... and a thing called love.

I love our winters!  Of course I'm slightly off topic when it comes to the actual subject of the song (wink, wink, say no more!) but what the heck ... the words certainly match everything I love about this time of year here in the tropics.

The bird song fills the air all through the day.  They seem to love this time of year as much as I do!
There have been many Figbirds around lately and I managed to get a closer shot of one of the females this week.

There have been several of the Blue-Banded Bees busy at work collecting pollen from the Salvias, the Begonias, the Torenias and the Streptocarpus ... obviously big favourites with these native bees.

This is the time of the year when my annuals are blooming.  I was a little late with the planting up this year, but they're started now and on the way to producing a fabulous show.

The Palm Trees come into their own at this time of year when the flowering trees are resting up.  Of course some of the usual winter-flowering trees are also having a rest courtesy of the horrid battering they received earlier in the year.  As I wander around the place in the early morning I'm often captivated by the play of light in the fronds of the various palms.

The moon's been hanging around in the daytime sky lately, which is always a fascinating sight.

The days are quite short with first light around 6.30 am and sunset by 6.00 pm.  Both the sunrises and sunsets have been something to see in these winter months.  As I said, I love the wintertime!  It's a glorious time of the year.

(Just a quick aside.   I swear I can hear Deano ... Dino Paul Crocetti to his family or Dean Martin to his adoring fans ... singing that birds and bees song in my head every minute of the day since I thought of it!!  Don't you hate that?)

Anyway, for far more sensible posts for this Mosaic Monday, please go and visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Wow, cool looking bird! And your flowers are always gorgeous. Beautiful photos.

  2. I love to see the birds and flowers from your part of the world - so different from what we are used to here. The moon, though, is doing the same thing here as where you are - hanging in there well into the day.

  3. Great post! So wonderful to see the birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees from your world. I'm just hoping summer will come to an end! :D :D

  4. I'll be singing that song all day Monday! heehee! You got some wonderful close ups! I love the bird photos and the moon! WOW! ♥

  5. Hi Bernie, i came in via Mosaic Monday, which i found just now. Of course you know I have been doing lots of Mosaics but haven't seen this site. You have lovely mosaics, that palm mosaic is inspiring that i am thinking to do that too!

  6. Okay, thanks for the song loop I've got going in my own head. Ha! Your mosaics perfectly complement the song...very nice. I could be persuaded to be a winter gal if I lived in your corner I'm quite sure.

  7. What great photos you've taken. Such interesting birds - so different from ours. What a varied world we live in.

    Enjoy winter - we're enjoying summer!

  8. I love all your pretty photos, Bernie!The birds are so delightful and I am always fascinated by bees and how hard they work and I loved seeing your winter moon. You winter looks a lot less harsh than ours is!

  9. Eileen, there have been so many different types of birds hanging around here latel. I just have to learn now to be quicker with the camera!

    Pondside, it's always amazing to see the moon hanging in the blue daytime sky especially, as you say, well into the day.

    Snap, sounds like it's a summer that's best over with soon. Fingers crossed that's the case.

    Lavender Dreamer, both you and I will be singing that gosh darned tune throughout the day. It's funny how something gets stuck in your head.

    Andrea, I've been joining in Mosaic Monday for a while now and I just know you will enjoy it. You always do fabulous mosaics that I know everyone will enjoy seeing.

    Vee, that song is now just driving me nuts! I've been listening to my ipod trying to drown out the tune in my head, lol!!

    Lorie, that's what I love about the blogging world. It's full of great contrasts and similarities that are bought to light in all the wonderful posts from around the world.

    Pat, it's not really what you would call a winter I'm sure.

  10. Now you showed us the
    Birds and the bees
    and the flowers and the trees
    We’re all a humming and a singing
    The Moon up above and this blog we just love!

    It's going to bug me all day now...Lovely photos. Love the birds.
    Have a good week.

  11. Wow Bernie you have us all in tune for the whole day now! I am so loving these images of the birds. Phew I am way to slow with my camera...need loads more practise! I adore the pic of the palm fronds with the light and also the mosaics are delightful. Thanks foe the happiness from an icy Cape Town


  12. Beautiful sights of birds and blooms in beautiful mosaics and frames. Wow. Lots to look at. Wonderful Bernie. V

  13. Well, if your winters look like they do in your photos above, I can understand you love them. So many lovely mosaics. I can't make a choice which mosaic that it is the most beautiful. Maybe the one with the birds? Enjoy your wintermonths.

  14. Wow, that daytime moon photo is incredible. I love all your mosaics, but that single moon scene captivated me!

  15. Bernie, Well you know you made me smile this morning! This is a great post and the pictures are fantastic. So artfully arranged into mosaics and the picture of the bee...just amazing!

  16. Gorgeous photos! I love the mosaic of the trees! Have a terrific week!

  17. I was singing along my head. Just beautiful, your world is just beautiful.

  18. Bernie, these are fabulous captures - all the details are stunning. I'm jealous of the green during your winters!

  19. Bernie, this post is really wonderful. I love how you used the song to tie together all the beautiful photos. That blue-banded bee on the red flower is amazing. And the final shot? I wish I were there! Thank you for visiting my blog; I agree that it is energizing to walk around the garden with a cuppa!

  20. beautiful post Bernie, and a lovely idea to tie it to a song! I always love to see your garden. We have been languishing in the cold over here, but some glorious fine days, and of course the very welcome RAIN which we have not had a lot of the last few winters. Evidently my sister's wheat crop is looking spectacular.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog - and yes where is the public holiday for Cadel!

  21. Wonderful photos Bernie,

    I wish our winters looked like yours! The birds are always wonderful and that palm tree, wow.


  22. Very nice photos. I trust you are feeling better?
    I wish our winters were as mild as yours! The south US is very hot in the summer and can get pretty cold in the winter. Nothing like the north so I am grateful for that. You live in such a beautiful place.

  23. Great photos as usual, full of exotics we in the Northern Hemisphere can only dream off.

  24. What a fantastic collection of photos! I just visited your blog for the first time and am thrilled. I LOVE Australia and it's my dream to return there permanently. I will now visit your blog regularly to live the tropical life vicariously! (I live in Victoria BC, Canada).


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