
Friday, June 3, 2011

Flower Flaunt on a Skywatch Friday ... first month of our Winter.

 Winter is here!  Although many would never call what we experience here a ... Winter!!  Northern Hemisphere folks would not consider our daytime or even our night-time temps even slightly cold!

To us, of course, this is what Winter is all about!  Today it's been a very pleasant 26 deg C (86 F) and this evening we're expecting a slightly cool 16 C (60 F).  During the week the mercury dropped to 10 C (50 F) on a couple of nights, so we donned our winter pj's and even threw a doona on the bed!

The morning skies have been quite beautiful lately, but it's getting harder getting up early enough to see all these glorious colours ... it's a little chilly before daybreak!

The garden is still taking a bit of a back seat because of my work commitments at the moment, but hopefully that will change in a couple more weeks.  So, lets see what's blooming around my place this week.
Out in the Shadehouse Garden, there are a couple of hanging baskets of Barleria obtusa and they are all full of blooms right now.

There are around ten hanging baskets of Impatiens walleriana as well, and they're putting on a great display.

There are also five hanging baskets full of flowering Dragon Wing Begonias.  They are really looking terrific right now.

Another lovely sight at the moment out in the Shadehouse Garden, are the first buds on my Zygocactus which has grown wonderfully well from a piece given to me by a lovely old lady last year.  I'm still waiting on the various Orchids she gave me to bloom, but I think that's going to take a while.

Out in the Courtyard Garden there are a few flowers on the potted plants, brightening up that space.

Elsewhere, in outdoor garden beds there are some lovely blooms.

That Salvia madrensis sure does need a trim back, but I do so love the curls and swirls of the spent flower spikes.

The Scutellaria suffrutescens really does stand out in this patch, while the Angelonia angustifolia and Salvia leucantha provide a soft pretty background.  It's hard to spot the fans of the dwarf Scaveola next to the Scutellaria, but I swear they are there!

The Iresine herbstii is in bloom but the flower spikes are rather inconspicuous amongst the flashy foliage.  You have to get up close.

Now here's a sight that tells you it's Winter here!

The coloured bracts and teeny tiny flowers on one of the Euphorbia pulcherrimas out in the garden are making an appearance!

The nights have started drawing in early ... the sun disappears around 5.30 now, so our days are getting shorter.

It's almost time to start cooking the Corned Beef with lashings of mashed potato, cabbage and greens ... and, of course, the white sauce! 

Then it'll be time for the Ugg boots!

For more great Fertiliser Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers posts, make sure to visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm also joining Skywatch Friday and encourage you to pop over to see some outstanding sky shots.

Be sure to check out the wonderful flower shots at Today's Flowers as well.


  1. Hey Bernie, glad I'm the first to post a comment here. I like your big picture format...makes the flowers and scenery so much clearer.Your plants are doing great, which is more than I can say for mine, as I've been away and they lack my tender loving care!

  2. Magic blooms as always. Nice skies too. Winters are the best up there. Could you help me out with the name of the flower on my post today. Thanks.

  3. The variety of cultivars you grow never fails to amaze! Larry

  4. Wonderful as always. Enjoy your lovely winter weather. It sounds a bit like our winters down here in s.e. FL. Although, I think you might get colder temps than we do.


  5. Rosie, how lovely to see you visiting. I'm glad you enjoy the big picture format ... I think it does give a clearer view. Hopefully your plants will benefit from some of your care very soon.

    Di, I did comment on your post. They are beautiful Anthuriums and I'll be looking out for them when I visit next weekend.

    Larry ... I have to admit I'm probably more of a plant lover than a gardener as such. I do tend to fill any available space with plants. There's not a whole lot of planning or design that goes into it.

    Flowerlady, I absolutely love this time of year. I don't mind the cool temps at all. The long hot summers do me in, but I relish the cooler weather.

  6. A tropical winter --- how delightful you make it sound, and how beautiful it all looks! You captured some great sky shots. Keep the Uggs handy for those chilly mornings.

  7. So glad you can cool off for awhile, although you won't need those beautiful blue Uggs. The kids in my area wear them with shorts in the summer!

    Your flowers are really liking the cooler weather, just lovely.


  8. Hi Bernie. With all of those beautiful flowers still in your garden the word Winter just does not seem to fit.Looking at all of your flowers always help me make it through our winter.Your Peace Lily and Pentas are so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Your winter garden is wonderful Bernie. Every winter I get an overwhelming desire to move back north - seeing your garden just adds to it.
    My daughter in Cairns said she wore jeans ALL day on the first day of winter = her idea of "it must be cold" :-)

  10. I much prefer your idea of winter to ours Bernie. Lovely blooms. V

  11. What a beautiful garden you have created, Bernie! What is the name of the purple tubular flowers in the first flower picture? I too have that plant.

  12. I just put my Uggs away a couple of weeks ago, our summer is arriving fast. I love all your beautiful flowers.

  13. Pleasure to see these sights from your fabulous garden!! The prettiest blooms!!

  14. Lovely skies and such a wonderful variety of pretty flowers.

  15. O what a wonderful, fascinating garden to wander! Wonderful array of winter colours!

  16. your flowers are always a delight. the zygocactus is gorgeous--i haven't seen one before.

    Today's Flowers

  17. Bernie, it's amazing to me what you can do where it's so dry! Our seasons are upside down - we are just starting summer. But it sounds like I'd really like your winter much moreso than ours LOL! Lovely blooms, Bernie!

  18. Such a lot of wonders you have in your garden. A great display topped off by a tropical moon.

  19. Bernie, I can see the sun is at a lower angle by your photographs. I get that too, so much contrast between light and dark. However, you have a lot of colour and that is so cheerful to look at. Lovely plants and flowers to enjoy there. Now we've been donning duna's for some time now, but 10C has been the lowest, but our days don't go over 20C now so pretty nippy here. So nice visiting your blogs Bernie.

  20. Thank you everyone. Sorry, it looks like I have been a little rude and not replying to all your wonderful comments. In fact I've been on retreat ... no internet access, no computers! ... so I'm only able to catch up today.

    To all who have commented, I thank you very much. It's warmed up slightly whilst I was away, so the Ugg boots didn't get any exercise at all!!

  21. lovely bushes...i would love to see more of your photos.

    - lencilicious @ Scoop and Snap

  22. Wow Bernie, new header! I was waiting for Dry Topics Garden to be posted, and realized you were posting here, haha! Your garden is always healthy looking and seemingly very well attended and cared for. BTW, what is Ugg boots? I know you Australians have lots of words most of us dont know. I remember biro, circulator, billabong, and...waltzing matilda!


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