
Monday, May 30, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... As Autumn Draws To A Close.

The weather has just been fantastic and I can't get enough of the glorious blue skies and the bird song at the moment.  Our nights are certainly getting a little cooler and our days shorter as our rather wimpy Winter approaches.  I, unfortunately, haven't been able to do much around the garden ... in between national literacy and numeracy testing, school-based assessment and reporting, it's been very hectic at work.

I have been stumbling home and only managing to do the watering of all the potted plants in both the shadehouse and courtyard gardens as the sunshine fades around 5.00 pm in the afternoon.  Fortunately, a lot of the plants seem to be powering on despite my lack of attention.

My few surviving Pelargoniums are flowering again.  It's a real treat to see these beauties as it means I finally got just a few through the long wet summer.   That's something I've never managed before.

Bracteanthas and Barlerias are blooming.

Torenias are back.  I love these plants.  Not only do they have the cutest little flowers, but they re-seed themselves every year.  These are the original varieties and I've had them for such a long time now.  The newer hybrids don't re-seed much at all, so I often just purchase new seedlings when they appear in the nurseries. 

My potted Azleas are beginning their Winter display once more.  There are also one or two blooms on my one and only Azalea growing in a garden bed.  I always enjoy seeing these beautiful flowers through our Winter here.

For other fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. The birds are just beautiful!!! The blossoms so very beautiful! Cathy

  2. The weather is lovely, but the days are short. Ain't it the way!

    The azaleas are looking good. They're putting on a modest show here.

  3. Bernie, great pics and lovely mosaics. Hope work slows down for a bit in order for you to enjoy the beauties in your garden :)

  4. Your flowers are sensational. And I love that snowy white bird.

  5. Those azaleas are gorgeous - such a pretty pink.

  6. Gorgeous flowers & mosaics! I'm not familiar with some of these, what a treat!

  7. Bernie: No matter what season you are in the flowers look gorgeous and I look forward to see what you are going to share with us. Love your colourful birds as well. V

  8. Fall is my favorite time of year. Your flowers and garden are just beautiful! A real treat! Happy Monday!

  9. I love your mosaics. And I like the new sky shots in the header showing the drama of the changing scene, all from the same perspective --- intriguing!

  10. Hi Bernie,

    I love the look of your new blog design. The geraniums are just gorgeous. I did not put in any this year, first time ever, because they did not do well in the constant heat we had last year.

    My daughter bought come cute little white Torenias for part shade so we'll see how they do. I am really into zinnias, coleus and impatiens this year, seemed to do well last year.



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