
Monday, April 4, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... on a gloomy dreary Autumn day!

The weekend was a wash-out!  The sun seems to have gone on holiday ... possibly taking that long-awaited overseas trip!  We're left with bleak and cheerless at the moment. 

Sunrises ... lacking in liveliness!

Flowers ... drowned and dreary!

Can you tell the weather is making me glum?    Rain, rain, go away!  Today!  OK!

For fabulous Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Dear Bernie, the flowers look so cheerful and beautiful I love the first shot with the russelia and ferns. the sky still looks pretty and tomorrow is another day.

  2. It will fine up soon Bernie and you'll have a long pleasant dry season. (Here's hoping)
    I don't think those sunrises are dreary at all. They look beautiful.

  3. Beautiful mosaics Bernie. Your plants are looking great. V

  4. The sky is nice, though dangerous, and beautiful flowers. Yours

  5. I think your skies look pretty. Gorgeous flowers and mosaics. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Hi Bernie, I love your mosaics. Raindrops of flowers are beautiful. Hope the sun shines soon. Take care.

  7. The weather may be dreary, although you didn't prove your point with the wonderful sunrises, but your flower mosaics are not dreary at all! Such sunny colors would liven up the darkest day!

  8. Sorry it's dreary but your pictures look fantastic to me! Great sky shots! Such pretty blooms! Hope you get sun soon!

  9. Your sunrises and clouds are so beautiful. Not at all dreary! Wishing you a wonderful week! Cathy

  10. Titania ... here's hoping that tomorrow will be bright and sunny. We really need sunshine to dry up all the rain ... months of rain!

    Missy ... yes it's strange to say it, but I'm looking forward to the arrival of our 'dry' season. That hasn't been the case for such a long time.

    Val, thank you. Some of the plants are looking great, but there are so many others that are languishing in all this grey-cloud, rainy weather.

    Thank you for your visit Giga. Those sunrise skies have been rather dreary lately, with very little of the colour we're so used to seeing.

    Eileen ... I supposed we're just used to seeing lots more orange and yellow in our sunrises. They seem rather drab to us at the moment and all that cloud cover doesn't bode well ... not an indication of a bright sunny day.

    Garden of Threads ... oh for some decent sunshine! Days of it would be greatly appreciated.

    Dimple ... I guess we are a little spoilt in the tropics with the colours we see in our sunrises and the bold bright colours of our flowers. When it's overcast and dreary, we really notice the change.

    Carol ... no sign of any sunshine today either. The forecast for the rest of the week is still bleak!

    Cathy ... I think the months of rain and overcast days have lost all their charm for me now. I'm longing for the usual Autumn weather.

  11. Wow amazing colourful flowers. It just snowed here yet again, so I must say I could do with some of those. Love the cloud mosaic as well.

  12. Bernie, sorry for your rain and gloomy skies, but your blooms, even drenched with moisture are just lovely!

  13. Cheer up hun the rain will not last forever sunny skies will be back before you know it. I know how frustrating it is but go and do some thing that makes you happy play your piano and if all else fails skype me!
    P.S go watch a good film there is a clue here somewhere Lol!

  14. Bernie, your flowers are lovely -- despite the rain. (Please send your rain here. we are in a drought).

  15. More rain? It would seem that Australia has had a lot of that this year. Hopefully things dry out a bit for you. Your flowers actually seem pretty happy with it. Pretty mosaics.

  16. I can sympathize about the rain. It is so wet, dark and gloomy on the West coast of British Columbia today. Even the spring daffodils can't cheer us up. Your pretty flowers make a great mosaic.

  17. Bernie you always have such wonderful flowers all year long. I promise the your sun is not here. LOL! Though you may be tired of the wet and dreary weather your plants look so pretty sparkling with the raindrops.I hope your sun comes back real soon.

  18. We're in the same soggy state over here!

  19. Sun. Rain. Wind. It's always something. Your Monday Mosaic belies the dreariness.

  20. You have a Coral Bush in your garden! I have several too - I have to keep pulling up the runners as they try to expand! But they are a lovely shot of summer colour.
    Amazing the amount of rain you have had, whilst we are in drought over here in the South West corner of WA. They are carting water in tankers to some towns. We are hoping hoping for rain this week. The gardens are looking so dry and lawns are dying.
    Thank you for your lovely colourful mosaic - despite the rain!

  21. We are having scorching heat with intermittent rain. Anyway your garden still manage to look as bright as always with your varieties of blooms.


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