
Friday, March 11, 2011

Flower Flaunt on Friday ... the beginning of Autumn Downunder.

Wow this week seems to have rolled on by pretty darn quickly ... and it's time to flaunt flowers again.  My post-cyclone garden is starting to show more signs of recovery as the rain keeps on a-fallin!  We're had around 270mm or 10 inches of rain already this month and there's more forecast.  Our 'wet' season is not quite over yet.

I took a quick walk around the place in between showers to see what I could find. 

I was immediately greeted by the sight of a gorgeous dragonfly ... which really brightened my day.  I haven't seen any for quite some time so it was great to see the return of at least one!

Something that really caught my eye was the appearance of a Poet's Jasmine flower.  I have so missed the blooms on this creeper and it was a joy to finally spot one!
My jasmine covered pergola has been markedly devoid of any flowers during the Summer just past.  It's usually covered in blooms sending a beautiful perfume wafting through the house on a Summer's evening, but it obviously just didn't like the unseasonably wet weather we had last year ... and hadn't flowered at all during the summer months.
Finally I got to see the faint pink tinge of a new bud and the lovely white petals of the flower.
Another gorgeous white bloom that made an appearance was my Jacobinia or Justicia carnea 'Alba'.
Continuing on with the white theme, my Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore' was badly bruised by Cyclone Yasi but not beaten.  Many of its' leaves were stripped off in the cyclonic winds and the bracts and flowers that were there before Yasi were simply ripped off during the cyclone.  Well the bracts have made a re-appearance and the tiny yellow flowers will not be far behind.

As I wandered around the garden today I found quite a few flowers to gladden my heart and bring a smile to my face.  There's still only a spray or two here and there, but it's been an absolute delight to find them.

Our native Viola hederacea
Cleome spinosa hybrid 'Senorita Rosalita'
Ixora 'Raywards Pink'

Pentas lanceolata  ... I love my Pentas!
Allamanda cathartica
Pseudomussaenda flava
Salvia splendens
Russelia juncea, with Scutellaria suffrutescens in the background

Hibiscus schizopetalus
Celosia argentea or Cockscomb

The first bloom on my Justicia brandegeeana or Shrimp Plant continues to open.

The Azaleas have also started making an appearance ... they usually don't show their beautiful faces until late Autumn.
It was great to see the Agile Wallabies making a comeback appearance around the place.  Can you see this little one trying so hard to be invisible?

For more fabulous Fertiliser / Flaunt Your Flowers Friday posts, go and visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm also joining in the Today's Flowers meme and would recommend a visit to see some beautiful blooms.


  1. You have lots of stunning flowers. I have some similar ones but the one that is outstanding for me is Viola. They stood so upright, hoping to be noticed...unlike the wallaby. We don't have wallabies here but ample of dragonflies.

  2. So many flowers and they are all so beautiful, and so hard to pick a favorite. The pentas are so lovely, as are the allamandas and well, everything else! And to have a wallaby peeking through the foliage was such a treat, too.

  3. Hello Bernie, I always love paying your blog a visit and was delighted by your wallaby pic! So cute! Your flowers look so pretty and you took a beautiful shot of the dragonfly. Happy beginning of Autumn for you! Cheers, Jenni from Oregon

  4. Hi Bernie,
    your flowers always oblige you by smiling for the camera!Love how fresh they look.
    Am thinking of adding musaaenda (pink/red) to my slope. Do you reckon they can take the dry condition of a slope?

  5. The flowers have made a remarkable recovery. lets hope that is a sign for the rest of the state. I love the viola and I am going to see if I can get some. Your post title and comment title are neat. How do you do that? Do you mind sharing secrets?

  6. One ... the little Viola is so unappreciated here, but I think it deserves to be highlighted. It is such a gorgeous little thing. You're lucky to be able to see dragonflies all the time ... we're not that lucky in my corner of the world.

    Karen ... I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. The wallabies are regular visitors here and we come across them in nearly all corners of the garden.

    Hi Jenni. Hopefully you're getting warmer weather over there in Oregon so you can get out into your garden. Thanks so much for dropping by.

    My Garden Haven ... Mussaenda philippica is a hardy variety of Mussaenda and will definitely survive dry conditions on a slope as that's exactly the conditions my white Mussaenda grows in. Give it a try and I'm sure you'll be rewarded with a thriving shrub.

    Diane b ... Hopefully Autumn will see lots of signs of recovery everywhere across Queensland. The Viola is a beauty ... so easy to grow and just such a pretty flower.

    I changed the post title and comments title by trying out the new font types on blogger design. If you use eblogger, just click on the design tab and enter the template designer. There's lots of great new fonts that you can try out ... on the advanced tab. It was so easy to do!

  7. Love your Viola hederacea! I have not seen this plant before. It's an excellent plant to have. The flowers are like peeping out from the bush ;-) Have a fantastic weekend!

  8. Bernie you must be thrilled with all of the beautiful blooms after such devastation. We can buy Jasmine here as a summer patio plant and it is very espensive.

    The viola is so whispy and looks great in the plater box.


  9. That little Wallabie definitely is putting out, you don't see me, vibes. That's so cute.

    I am so glad you are enjoying so many of your blooms again. You have some real beauties and it is always a treat to see your lovely bit of paradise.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  10. Your flowers are always so beautiful and the wallabee is cute as a button. Do they damage your garden like the dear do here?

  11. You found some beautiful blooms to share...I especially like the white pentas with the diamond frost...what a cute critter in the background.

  12. The Wallaby is so cute. It just thinks it is hiding but it looks curious too.
    So many wonderful flowers in your garden Bernie. I love your Penta's too. Well lets face it I love them all. LOL!
    I hope you are getting a respite from the heat now that Autumn is coming in.Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Bernie,

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Glad you liked it and it helped me to find yours.

    I really appreciate all your flowers photos at this time of year. It wis great fun for me to get to watch your season of bloom during my winter!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. You had me at the dragonfly! LOL Lovely blooms, love violets! And what a sweet pic of the Wallabie.
    Have a great weekend Bernie!

  15. Great to see your lovely flowers. Good to see your Jasmine showing its pretty flowers again.
    Have a good weekend.

  16. It was wonderful to see that your flowers are blooming again and that maybe things will get better. V

  17. your flowers make my heart sing! what a gorgeous garden you have.

    Today's Flowers @ Live in the Moment

  18. These are stunning photos! Your garden is just gorgeous. Amazing!

    My entry is here

  19. You have the most gorgeous blooms in your garden! Love the dragonflies and of course, the wallaby. The red and white pentas look so good together. I'm thinking now that I should also team up like that!

  20. Hi Bernie,thanks for visiting my humble blog!Your photography is stunning,love the dragonfly!We do have different flowers all right I only recognise the violas and jasmine.I am interested in your green pavlova do you just add food colouring to the egg mixture?Have a happy St.Patricks Day!Oh,the wallaby was so cute too!

  21. That joey in the last picture brings a big grin on my face! My jasmine is also acting strangely- not flowering.All your flowers are lovely.

  22. those are such glorious blooms and the shots of the dragonfly is stunning.

  23. Very late to the party... Lovely flowers on Sunday!

  24. Two years ago we had a rainy and cloudy summer. It was hard to get anything to grow properly.

    Good collection of plants. I :lol: at the Wallabies. That is something we just don't have to worry about here.

  25. we woke up to 3 more inches of snow today!!! HELLO!!! MOTHER NATURE? IT'S MARCH....TIME TO MELT!!!
    thanks for linking in this week!
    I love the photos of the dragonfly!!


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