
Monday, February 28, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... our last day of Summer!

Yahoo ... our Summer is almost over!  Good riddance too!  I'm so looking forward to our Autumn through to Spring time this year and I'm hoping I'll see the garden recover very well during that time.

As the cleaning up is almost over, I took a stroll around the property looking for little signs of hope and beauty.  I think I'm getting over the disheartened state slowly ... and spotting these beauties certainly helped.

Cleome spinosa 'Senorita Rosalita' is coming back into bloom showing off its gorgeous lavender pink flowers.

The gorgeous Evolvulus pilosus 'Blue Sapphire' is putting on a show.

The pretty Barleria 'Purple Gem' is starting to bloom once more  ....

and this rather unique little bloom ... the inflorescence of Dorstenia bahiensis or the Mattress Button Plant is making a spectacle of itself.

For more fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, please visit our host Mary at Little Red House

I'm also joining Lisa's meme, Macro Monday over at Lisa's Chaos


  1. Bernie, your garden and flowers are so pretty. I would like to see all these beauties growing in my yard. Beautiful mosaics and photos.

  2. Glad to hear that you are not as disheartened as you were. It does take time to recover from catastrophes. I LOVE that unusual Dorstenia bahiensis, great color and shape, and name of Mattress Button plant.

    Happy Gardening and Happy Autumn.


  3. While many are looking forward to Spring, you are looking forward to Autumn. I haven't thought about what I am looking forward to. :)

    Beautiful mosaics. Different from mine...completely.

  4. Hi Bernie. I can understand why you would want to kiss this summer goodbye.
    Your Mattress Button plant is one that I have never saw before. How unique.I love your Blue Sapphire. Just gorgeous.

  5. That mattress button plant is the strangest thing I have seen! Very odd but I can't take my eyes off it. Here's hoping your garden recovers, and you do too, in the coming season.

  6. Hi Bernie - wow, this is a coincidence - I clicked on your link because you left a comment on my blog (thank you!!), and TODAY I bought two of those Cleome spinosa 'Senorita Rosalita', so what a surprise to see them on your blog! They look fabulous. I can't wait to plant mine in their permanent new home. We seem to like the same types of flowers :)

  7. Summer here is going to go out with a bang I think. They're predicting a heatwave for the next few days in Brisbane.
    Glad you're starting to feel better.

  8. It just goes to show you cannot keep a great gardener down for long. :0) your garden will be the stunning haven for wildlife and beautiful flowers and trees before long. It‘s lovely to see your blooms. Still not much to see in my garden but seeds are starting to show in the greenhouse.

  9. Bernie,
    It has been quite a wet season, and I too am looking forward to some cooler, less dramatic weather. we still have lots of rain forecast so it is not quite over for us yet. I love the way you have inserted a close up of the plant with the main plant in the background. very clever!

  10. Hello Australia from Denmark.

    Fantastic flowers you have. Many never seen here in the cold North of Europe. Here spring soon will come. We´ve had one of the coldest vinthers for many years and it´s still freezing and snowing. But soon......the daffodils and all the other springflowers will show.

    Enjoy autumm.
    Helga idehaven

  11. Bernie,

    It sounds so funny to hear that your summer is ending and we are desparately waiting for our spring and summer to begin. I certainly understand your relief after what you have been through. I am wishing you a much better autumn.


  12. Eileeninmd ... thanks once again for your kind words.

    Flowerlady ... yes it's the first day of Autumn tomorrow and I'm starting to rally a bit more each day as we move closer to this great time of year for gardeners here.

    One ... yes the months from Autumn to mid-Spring are definitely the best time of year for gardens here. Goodbye Summer!

    Lona ... I am soooo looking forward to kissing this Summer goodbye! I think that's what's helping to raise my spirits now.

    Laurrie ... yes the Mattress Button Plant is definitely an oddity. It pops up in my garden all the time and I rather like it!

    Christine ... you've made a fabulous purchase with the Cleome spinosa. It's a great plant and I would recommend it highly. I just love the colour of its' blooms and it's pretty much a fuss-free plant here. Gotta love that!

    Missy ... hope it doesn't get too hot for you down there. It's been rather nice up here lately ... hot of course, but nothing too bad.

    Sue ... thanks lovely lady, yes I am starting to feel better, especially as the Summer comes to an end. It's not my favourite time of the year. Sounds like you're getting ready for your Spring ... can't wait to see your garden as it comes out of its' hibernation.

    African aussie ... we're still getting showers of rain down here too almost every day. Thankfully though, the heavy driving rain seems to be at an end. I don't mind the showers so much, but I do get sick of the overcast days!

    Idehaven ... hello, it's lovely to see you popping by from Denmark. I'm keeping my fingers crossed your Spring arrives soon ... it's been such a long winter for you.

    Eileen, thank you lovely lady. Yes, summer here is not a great time of year and this one has been one of the worst for ages. Autumn and Winter here are just fabulous, so I'm counting down the hours now!

  13. I am feeling colour-deprived after reading your post. As you approach autumn we hope for spring weather on this side of the Pacific Rim.

  14. Hope school is going well for you. From these flowers you would never know all the tragedy you and your countrymen and women have been through. You have certainly been in my thoughts.

  15. Bernie, your blooms are gorgeous. Color everywhere! I'm looking forward to a little of that color coming here!

  16. Beautiful summer, Bernie, your flowers are gorgeous! I'm looking forward to some color here already. But Autumn is such a lovely time of year, too!

  17. Wow, that Mattress Button plant is so cool!

  18. Oh wow your photos makes me think of Spring and Summer already. Love it. Happy Monday!

  19. That blue sapphire and button mattress are my favorites!!! [of your photos]

    My macro link: From Seedpod to Blossom

  20. Your garden is always an inspiration! Thank you for today's journey! Wishing you well! Cathy

  21. Hi Bernie: Love the photos with the insets so that we can see the beautiful blooms up close. V.

  22. My mother would have LOVED all of this learning, here; although, she probably would have known what all of these are already....she was the green thumb lady in the family :)

    That last one, I've never seen before.....kind of an odd flower, it is.

  23. Hi Bernie, I always enjoy coming to your blog and seeing your glorious garden. Thank you. I hope all is well in your part of Queensland. It is as dry as chips over here in my corner of WA.

  24. Bernie, beautiful as always. That Dorstenia is fantastic. Another plant I knew nothing about. Keep 'em coming!

  25. A lovely garden tour! Our summer is a long way off.

  26. It doesn't seem that long since I remember you posting about summer arriving. Despite what the weather threw at your garden Bernie I think it is recovering well. The mattress button plant is a new one on me.

  27. Dech w piersiach zapiera jak się ogląda te śliczne kwiaty i zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam

  28. I almost had to laugh, as I sit here trying to stay warm, and you're at the end of summer of already! I suppose that means the good news for us is it's almost spring! I love the Dorstenia, I've never seen anything quite like it, and your Cleome is beautiful! It looks like your garden is starting to recover beautifully.

  29. I love all the exotic-looking flowers you have in your gardens.

    I guess you are looking forward to fall as much as I am looking forward to spring. :)

  30. I've never seen a Mattress Button plant. Fascinating!

  31. Lovely mosaics! I'm sorry you've had such a terrible summer! I can imagine what a challenge it is to get things in order! ♥

  32. How pretty and delightful!

    Have a great day.

  33. Hello Bernie, thank you for visiting Frog Garden and for your best wishes. Your photography is beautiful you obviously have a great love for the garden. So sorry to see so much damage the cyclone left behind. It was such a relief to hear that so many escaped unhurt. I'm sure each day will bring back something of beauty to enjoy.

  34. Hi Bernie, I am glad that you are over the worst. It is always amazing how quickly the garden recovers from an onslaught. I love the pretty Cleome, it flowers in my garden too. The Dorstenia is an odd looking flower, interesting to see.
    All the best, Trudi.


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