
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our 'wet' season has begun with a bang!

Summer here in north-eastern Australia is our 'wet' season ... the time of year when we receive heavy rainfall, when cyclones often hit bringing torrential downpours and cyclonic winds and when we swelter in the heat and humidity.   After our usual 'dry' season didn't eventuate in 2010, we started wondering just how the 'wet ' season would turn out ... well it's opened with a bang!

On Christmas morning we experienced the first cyclone for the Summer ... Cyclone Tasha crossed the coast a little further north, but fortunately was only Category 1.  We received torrential rainfall all day, and there were a few areas in our city that flooded.  As we live outside the city area, it was an adventure getting to our family's Christmas dinner! 

We were concerned we might not be able to get back to our house, but fortunately the water drained away fairly well and the roads were passable.  When we arrived home, we were greeted with sights like this in the garden.

On Boxing Day, Cyclone Tasha had deteriorated, turned into a rain depression and was travelling south.  So were hubbie and I.  We headed off on Boxing Day to visit our eldest son and grandchildren down in the south-east corner of our state.  Whilst we sat complaining about the almost non-stop dreary wet weather down there as well, we watched reports on the television of the disastrous flooding that was occurring all across the centre of Queensland.

Just to give you an idea of how big the problem is, here's some facts and figures.

Flood water now covers almost half our state ... that's about the size of France and Germany combined!
Around 200,000 people in 22 townships and cities have been affected!
Around 4000 people will be staying in evacuation centres by the end of the week!
Several highways and many, many roads have been covered by water or simply washed away!

It's a miserable start to the new year for so many people ... so we've been quite lucky up here in the north!  Well, so far anyway!   But I'm wondering just what might happen if our 'wet' season gets any worse ... after a topsy-turvy year weather-wise in 2010, I'm starting to get a little worried about just what 2011 has in store!


  1. That took a lot of rain drops! Whatever our 2011 weather brings, we will just have to endure.

  2. Bernie, it's unusual what is happening to our weather worldwide, the snows in the United Kingdom, heavy snow in the southern and eastern part of the US and our 60 degree F temperature on New Year's Eve. We are 20 F, this morning. I hope it doesn't get worse for you as the summer progresses. Happy New Year to you and yours!


  3. Whoa! That really looks bad! Hope this is the worst of it for your neck of the woods!

  4. Bernie,the new year seems to have started with a bang for you.Hope the rest of the year will be good. Your photos are very evocative.

  5. I've been watching the flooding in Australia. There have been tornadoes here in the states. The last few years have produced some very strange weather around the world and it makes one wonder if it's because of all the pollution we have put into our world.
    This past week, my Brownie troop had 2 visitors from Australia talk to us about the difference between where we live and where they live. Mr. Mullen grew up in our city and married someone he met in college from Australia and moved there. The girls found it interesting to hear about kids there being on summer break right now, the animals, food (they passed around some vegemite - no one would try it.) Good luck during your wet season and wish us luck with our snow season and Happy New Year!

  6. Certainly looks like a wet season. I hope you are ok.
    Happy new year!

  7. Oh my goodness!! What a lot of water!!! Hoping for the best of everyone!!! God Bless!! Cathy

  8. I'm like you Bernie, wondering what the rest of the wet season will bring. I don't think Tasha will be our only cyclone. The floods have been heart-breaking for so many people.

  9. I can't believe the amount of rain in those pics!!! That looks miserable....the plants seem to like it have some beautiful lush plants. Happy New Year!:)

  10. I havce been watching the news reports and thought of you. Hope you and your family keep safe.

  11. Oh my.... I'm sick to my stomach for you....your beautiful garden is being swallowed up by a stream of water. I know there are worse things you are dealing with & I am so sorry, but I would be in panic mode about my garden! If I lived there!...thank you for taking time to check out my blog & saying hello. I'm off to check out your blog in hopes of finding some of your garden pics. I love seeing gardens from other homes!

    Again, I am so sorry about what your dealing with.
    ~ trace

  12. Darla ... you're so right! Whatever omes we always com out the other side ... maybe a little soggier this month though!

    Eileen ... such contrasts over there, it's amazing! It will be interesting to see what develops this year.

    Floridagirl ... the worst is not over yet in quite a few places. The waters are still rising in places like Rockhampton unfortunately.

    Lotusleaf ... we've got our fingers crossed for the rest of this wet season.

  13. The floods are terrible. Hopefully it will subside soon. Wishing you Happy New Year 2011 and good luck for the weather.

  14. How distressing, and what a way to start a new year. It must be awful to see your own garden swamped in running water, but at least you are safe and not completely flooded out. I'm hoping for a little dry-out for you.

  15. Wow, Bernie, This is terrible, what a way to start 2011. I am glad you and your family are doing well. Take care.

  16. Bernie I've been watching this flooding on our news here on the BBC - there has been such crazy weather in many continents. It certainly is a disasterous start to the new year for many residents in Queensland. I hope you don't sustain any major losses in the garden due to overwatering. I'm sure you are relieved that the worst of the weather has bypassed you.

  17. That's unbelievable flooding! I hope your plants are able to put up with it until they dry out a bit. Good luck in the rest of cyclone season!

  18. Glad that your place is not affected by the flood we heard on the news! Hopefully everything will be ok soon.

  19. I just hope it doesn't get any worse! I've been watching the news and reading about the floods in the papers. I hope your area doesn't get badly affected.

  20. Oh, dear me, Bernie. This is awful. I feel so sad for all the people who have suffered loosed due to the storm. It looks VERY serious. Hope you beautiful garden area managed to survive without too myth damage. Sorry I have been off the radar for a while. Had to slow down and smell the roses for a month. After the Christmas holiday break, I am trying to get back on top of my posting and commenting again. Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs, Genie


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