
Monday, December 20, 2010

Toasty Warm Christmas Greetings from Hot, Hot Downunder.

Wishing all my blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic Festive Season. Downunder it's the usual horrid hot Summer weather with a hearty dash of horrendous humidity ... Ho, Ho, Ho!

We occasionally head into the city to take an early evening walk along the Strand, which is a very lengthy boulevard right beside the ocean, but even then it's no cooler than our spot out here in the foothills.

I occasionally suffer the torments of the kitchen to do some baking for Christmas.  One of my favourite Christmas treats are the moorish Bailey's Irish Cream Balls ... which are my alternative to Rum Balls, as I really don't enjoy the taste of rum.

Unfortunately the Summer conditions prevent me from spending a great deal of time out in the garden ... it will remain relatively unloved for a little bit longer yet!  Luckily the plants seem to be still thriving and there's still lots of great colour in quite a few corners of the garden.

Of course, as we count down to Christmas, we're getting more and more excited about visiting our eldest son and our grandchildren.  Whilst we'll miss spending Christmas Day with them, we're on the plane the very next morning and heading off for a visit ... can't wait!
That's an old Christmas photo of our dear little ones ... but they're still just as adorable!

Instead of finishing off the post just yet, I thought I'd add two little extras today.

First ...  I'm not sure where I saw this (wish I could take the credit but I can't), and I think it's just spot on!

You know it's an Australian Summer when....

1.  The best parking space is determined by shade instead of distance.

2.  Hot water comes out of both taps.

3.  You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.

4.  The temperature drops below 35deg C and you feel a little chilly.

5.  You discover that it only takes two fingers to steer your car.

6.  You discover that you can get sunburnt through your car window.

7.  You develop a fear of metal car door handles.

8.  You break into a sweat the instant you awake.

9.  You're still soaking wet after you've dried off from your shower.

10.You catch a cold from having the aircon full blast while you sleep during the night.

Now ...  for a bit of fun.  Please go to the sidebar, turn off the Playlist ... and then sing-a-long with this beloved Aussie Christmas ballad.

For other fabulous Mosaic Monday posts, go and take a look at Mary's blog  Little Red House


  1. Beautiful mosaic Bernie, have a wonderful holiday with your family. Take care.

  2. Wonderful mosaics, and oh how I wish it was summer here. Your Baileys Irish Cream balls sound and look delicious. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.

  3. Lovely mosaics, Bernie. Hava a wonderful holiday with your beloved ones!

  4. I can relate to the Australian Summer list from when I lived in Cairns. I never knew the air could burn until I got into my car at lunchtime in Summer.
    Great mosaics. have a happy Christmas and enjoy your visit with the grandkids - They look very sweet.

  5. Grand pictures!!! I love the picture of the Kangaroo with the Santa hat!!! And oh, my what grand pictures of the kids with Santa!!! Merriest of Christmases to you!!!

  6. I love the kangaroo with the Santa hat :-) Christmas Wishes to you and your family! I wish we could send you some of our beautiful snow to cool you down for Christmas.

  7. Fantastic and festive down under! Love the Kangaroo getting into the season :) Wishing you and yours the Merriest Christmas!

  8. Beautiful, Bernie. Love the kangaroo with the Santa hat!

  9. Bernie, I wish I could have just a little of that heat now, more snow tomorrow. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.


  10. Oh Bernie what a fun post. I do hope that you enjoy your time with family. Merry Christmas

  11. Thanks all for you lovely comments ... I'm hoping you all feel the warmth! Please take some ... would love to give away loads of it!

  12. Your Irish Cream balls look delicious. I can relate to the hot December weather - we had a respite today with a cloudy day and drizzly rain all day - a great day for cooking, so I got my Christmas cooking all done in one day! however no doubt with rain will increase the humidity!
    Have wonderful Christmas with your family.

  13. It is so much fun to visit your blog. Merry Christmas!

  14. I love all of your beautiful images!!! The Kangaroo with the santa hat is perfect...wishing you cool breezes and a Merry Christmas!!!

  15. Wishing you a Christmas filled with laughter and joy especially when you get to see your precious ones! I’m sending a snow cloud for you …. Merry Christmas my dear friend.
    Sue :0)x

  16. Christmas in Australia on a scorching summer day! Loved the silly ditty. It must be crazy to have cold weather holiday traditions in a summer climate. Stay as cool and dry as you can. I've got extra socks on today and my nose is running from the cold, if that makes you feel any cooler.

  17. LOL! Love your Aussie version of "Jingle Bells"! I completely empathize with your "You know it's an Aussie summer..." list. A perfect description of the Florida summer as well. But oh, how I miss summer! We'll be sittin' by the pool on Christmas too, though it is supposed to be just perfect weather, not hot or cold.

  18. Hi Bernie. What beautiful and festive mosaics. I am trying to wrap my mind around a hot Christmas. Seem backwards to me of course. As much as I complain about the cold and snow I would probably miss it for Christmas because that is what I am use to.I do love coming to your blog and soaking in your hot weather plants colors this time of the year. Stay cool.
    Have a Wonderful Christmas Bernie!

  19. This is a terrific post, capturing the essence of an Aussie Chrissie.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  20. I saw your holiday card on FB. Hilarious, sure makes a change from reindeer! Hope your holidays aren't too warm! If you have some extra sunshine, we could really use some! Merry Christmas!

  21. Thanks for your Christmas wishes on my blog ... I'm glad you enjoy visiting. It's fun that you are posting about the heat... we are still waiting for it to warm up ... I don' think we'll get a summer this year ... am resigning myself to it.

  22. Lovely mosaic Bernie! Your Aussie Jingle Bells is so catchy! Love your 'when you know its summer..' so cute and funny..Happy holidays with your loved one, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  23. Your Australian summer sounds exactly like a Texas summer! Stay cool!! Merry Christmas :-)

  24. Wonderful post and Season's Greetings to you! Look forward to more mosaics in 2011!

  25. Ummm, some rum balls, please!

    You're often in my thoughts, Bernie. Especially at this time of year when I imagine visiting Australia during our winter months. The East / South East is my goal. Cheers!! Alice
    aka Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

  26. This is a beautiful post. I love those pictures. Sending my warm christmas greetings to you and your family. May this Christmas be the most wonderful for you. Happy holidays!


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