
Monday, December 6, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... It's a Hot, Loud and Proud Summertime!

Here in Oz Summer has begun.  In my particular north-eastern corner it's hot, humid and horrible.  Outside the temps hovering around 34 deg C (93 F), but the 'true' temperature is more like 40 ... the high humidity levels we experience here definitely make a difference!!!

One of the most common sights during Summertime in gardens everywhere, including mine, right now is the flowering Delonix regia - the Poinciana.  Nothing says 'Summer' in the northern tropics quite like the splendid display of the Poinciana.

Another common Summertime sight is the Cassia fistula, or Golden Shower Tree, in full bloom.  This is mine ... visible behind the Courtyard Garden beds.

It's holiday time for me now ... the school year is over and time to relax!  Unfortunately it's not a time when I can spend hours in the garden ... far too hot and sticky!!!  We've had the air-conditioning on for the first time since the end of last Summer so instead of whiling away the summer hours in the garden, I can now catch up with all those blogs I've been too busy to visit over the last few weeks.  

Hopefully, the work I've put in over the last few weekends preparing the garden for the onslaught of our summer will be enough to get all my beloved plants through the trials and tribulations of the next couple of months.  Fingers crossed!  At least I know my little selection of Bromeliads, Costus and Curcumas will get through ... they love this time of year.

I'm joining in Mary's meme Mosaic Monday, so make sure you pop over to check out all the fabulous mosaic.

I'm also joining in Noel's meme Hot, Loud and Proud, so please visit his blog as I know you'll enjoy seeing all the terrific posts there.


  1. You certainly got that right - the heat and humidity have been full on this weekend! we have cassia and poinciana alternating down the main street in town and they look spectacular together. Enjoy your holidays....

  2. Hi Bernie - Happy School Holidays - Enjoy the break. Still doesn't feel like Summer here. Maximum temps still haven't hit 30 with all this rain.

    Poincianas are a favourite of mine. We had a huge one when I was a child. We planted one in the front corner of Missy's garden about 4 years ago but it hasn't started flowering yet. Maybe this year - I hope.

  3. I envy that you are in my favorite season right now! Here we have snow. I think I love the Golden Shower Tree the best! How beautiful.

  4. Hi Bernie, It was nice to look at your garden. Did not feel the hot, humid temperature. We have about 10 inches of snow and more to come. I wanted snow so there would be something besides dead, brown plants to photograph. Must be careful what I wish for, LOL. Take care and enjoy the week:)

  5. Oh, my, summer indeed! Seeing your photos of Royal Poinciana and Curcumas...that would be June here in my neck of the woods. Wish I was back in June right now....

  6. Hi Africanaussie ... yes Summer has well and truly arrived! Ugh ... the last few days have been hot and sticky ... I'm listening to thunder off in the distance again and rain is threatening as well. Add to all that, there's the mosquitoes, March flies and those wretched noisy Cicadas out in the bush! NOT my favourite time of the year!

  7. Hi Missy ... yes both my sons live down your way and they've been complaining about all the rain. We've been receiving quite a bit of rain up here too, but the temps have been soaring in spite of it. Sounds like your Poinciana needs loads more heat and sun ... hope it flowers for you soon as it really is a great sight.

  8. Hi's so nice to see familiar plants from another part of the world! Your summers sound like ours! I whine like one possessed during those terrible months!

    But now that our short, cool winters are here, it's a pleasure to work outside. I love your mosaic! Lovely selection of plants. Of course the Royal poinciana and the Golden Shower are the most beautiful reminders of a season that's otherwise dreaded!;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'd love to be here again. Have a great week!!

  9. It's a treat to look at all your colourful plants while we're in our damp and grey winter. I love the golden tree - I wonder if it would grow here.

  10. Savouring Time In The Kitchen ... that Cassia most certainly brightens up any spot in the garden.

    Garden of Threads ... hopefully you'll get just the right amount of snow to cover those dead, brown plants and no more. Stay warm and cosy!

    Floridagirl ... you still have such a lot of colour in your garden even now and June is not all that far away ... well maybe I'm being too optimistic!

  11. Kanak7 ... yes I will be whining very, very loudly for some time to come. I'm not a big fan of the Summers here. Enjoy your cool winter while I'm baking away over here.

    Pondside ... I'm hoping your winter won't be too dreary and horrible. Pop in anytime you need cheering up.

  12. Hi Bernie,it's a great feeling to be at the end of theyear and looking forward to a break. But it's always a bit nerve wracking not knowing what weather or pests we will be faced with, and how the garden will cope. cheers, catmint

  13. Your garden is lovely at all times. One can see the love and care you give these gorgeous flowers and can only appreciate you gift. I understand you disdain for HOT summers and know that when it's summer here I wishing is were NOT!!! Wishing you a grand week in spite of the heat! Cathy

  14. As always, you have wonderful blooms. I hear you about the heat and humidity. It's the humidity that really does you in. When we lived in Spain, it was a dry heat and there was a huge difference. We had no fans, no a.c. The humidity makes you feel sick, and drains you of all energy. I can hardly get out and garden during our summers, especially the older I get. I just do the basic. During our winter season is when I try to get a lot done outdoors.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  15. Lovely n Beautiful Mosaic Monday Greetings Bernie!
    Was in Australia last yr this time.... and fell in love with the weather n the flora n fauna one gets to see there. Thx for stopping my blog and your generous comment.

  16. Hello Bernie! Such beautiful flowers! I like the purple curcuma best. Have you got the pale blue curcuma too?

  17. Wow every colour is so bright shouting here come summer:). Its a bit cooler this time around compare last year in our place. So the bloom is later than expected for us.

  18. It's so much fun to think about another world south of the equator. Those flowers are scrumptious and we have nothing like them here. I'd love to see them in person one day. It's also fun to think that you are on a school break over the holidays. It must be excellent to have more time in that regard.

  19. Beautiful blooms, such pretty pics! Enjoyed your mosaics of bloom and color.

  20. Oh Bernie, those photos look so good to me right now. I guess I would even take the heat again instead of the snow.


  21. Beautiful! I enjoyed seeing your beautiful flowers. What few begonia blooms I had left were plant popsicles this morning. :( I not a Winter person.

  22. I love your hot vivid summer colors, especially that Golden Shower Tree --- it's beautiful. Warms me right up on a cold day up here!

  23. I love the Poinciana tree. Saw them all over south Florida when I lived there years ago. Wished they grew in Texas, but alas we have just enough cold to keep them from thriving. Maybe I could get one started and torture it into a bonsai!

  24. if that is the view of the plants and flowers when it is hot in Oz land, count me in! Awesome.

  25. Bernie, I would give anything to have summer and the heat right now. Your photos are just gorgeous and the garden must look lovely.

  26. Wow, Bernie, I'm new to your sight. Found you under us at Little Red House. Sure glad I did!! Love your mosaics and the stunning flowers. We live in the Midwest USA (visit us). I'm in awe of your Summer flowers and trees blooming now. We have horrid high humidity here in our summer months, June-August. Enjoy your holiday. Again, love your blog.

  27. We are in the midst of a drought over here in the West, and I can't believe the amount of rain the East has had. The Poinciana tree is one of my favourites - it is such a stunner - unfortunately I wouldn't be able to grow one in the south - so thanks for sharing!

  28. aloha,

    those are two of my favorite trees and bloom at many of our parks and boulevards...the mosaics with your summer blooms are fantastic.


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