
Monday, November 1, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... our last month of Spring has begun.

Yes it's the last month of Spring and we're heading towards the dreaded time of year here ... well at least that's how it is for me.  Summer looms and all that it entails, so I'm enjoying what's out in the garden as much as possible now.

We're spending lots of time sitting out in the courtyard right now ... sipping our morning cuppa, enjoying a leisurely weekend breakfast amongst the flowers and the trees ... or dining out under the stars in the evenings.  During the Summertime, it's just too hot out there and we retreat to the verandah instead ... or the air-conditioning inside!

For other fantastic Mosaic Monday posts please visit Mary's blog: Little Red House


  1. Beautiful lilies and beautiful garden. Love the lighting. I understand all about summer ... UGH!!!!

  2. It's strange to think of you trying to stay out of the heat while we're trying to stay out of the rain.

  3. You've done it again!!! Exquisite, each and everyone! Have a grand week! Cathy

  4. Your spring is so beautiful! It's interesting that you seem to dread summer as much as many Canadians dread winter. :)

  5. I don't think you could have prettier flowers than the ones in your photographs! So lovely! Your garden must be a most enjoyable place to be!

  6. Beautiful flowers. Love those colors and texture.

  7. Creative mosaics! Enjoyed visiting!

  8. So lovely...I really like how you punched the border colors on the last two against the cooler gray (appearing) of the draperies...just neat. Enjoy this last month of spring!

  9. Your gardens are beautiful! Such pretty flowers!

  10. Snap ... thanks so much. The Lilies are putting on a great display at the moment.

    Pondside ... while it's definitely heating up now, it will get far worse.

    Thanks Black-eyed Susan and Cathy.

    EGWow ... oh yes, I dread Summer. There's really nothing good about it whatsoever.

    LDH ... thank you for your kind words. Some of the lovely flowering plants are starting to fade now as Summer approaches but thankfully the Lilies just power on.

    Rajesh, Podso, Vee and Dishesdone ... I very much appreciate your comments.

  11. No heat here, just rain and clouds. Your lilies are just beautiful. I hope the summer won't be too unbearable.

  12. Ahhhh!!!!! Photos of summer! So nice as we are heading into winter..... and everything is looking drab. Stay cool!

  13. so much beauty, that is what your flowers are.

  14. Beautiful lilies, I had some lovely ones in the garden in the Summer. We are suppose to have some mild weather this week, which will be good, I felt that Winter was already here but now a little change. We don't have any shade in our garden in the summer unless we put up and umbrella or gazebo so we often sit in the conservatory and look out into the garden.Have a very happy Summer, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  15. Bernie, your lilies are beautiful. And I just love your gardens and verandah. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Bernie, that lily with the markings is beautiful, and your patio with the candles so inviting! Ill be complaining about the cold soon and you the heat.


  17. I just love your romantic courtyard garden. Just beautiful and oh so lush and wonderful. Love your lilies too, but the courtyard just speaks to my heart.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  18. I love that peek through the curtains out to the dining patio. You have such a lovely place.

  19. Bernie, that courtyard is amazing! I'd be having all my meals out there if I had such a place. I find myself jealous once again over your daylilies, as it will be months before we have any here again. Love that oriental lily! How beautiful! I once collected lilies in my old garden, but didn't think they would grow here in a near-tropical zone. Do you grow yours in-ground?

  20. Love that pink Lilly. I'm going to find you a nice photo of some snow to cool you down when all that heat get's to much lol!!
    Sue :0)

  21. Your courtyard looks like just the right place to sit and enjoy the flowers. Beautiful Bernie.

  22. I am SO behind in my posting. School has been rough these past 2 weeks, and then we have been visiting a state park for 3 days WITHOUT cell phones or internet. I have NOT been able to attempt your mosaic challenge of things I like and love...I feel badly about that. Please don’t put me in the “naughty chair!” Your end of Spring blooms are gorgeous as always...and sitting on your vernal is a dream of mine. I absolutely loved your post with all the photos of your precious home. It is definitely one of a kind in my book.

  23. Your verandah looks very pretty, Bernie. I hope your summer will not be overly hot this year.
    Happy Mosaic Monday!

  24. What a pretty garden, especially at night with those candles. I can picture having an evening with friends out there.
    That pink and white day lily is gorgeous. I posted about a local day lily farm near where I live. I was on a tour there and posted about them then they allowed me to use their photos from their website as well so I posted a couple more times with lots of their varieties.
    They may be one of my favorite flowers ever.

  25. You have a lovely garden and beautiful blooms. Peaceful and serene!

  26. It is a lovely time of the year when it is not raining. i like your mosaics, which program do you use, Picasa?

  27. Bernie, I truly enjoyed seeing your floral mosaics & the shots of your outdoor spaces.

    We just spoke with my step-son who lives in Queensland & heard all about the change in the weather & much needed rains.

    Have a nice week, enjoying your lovely temps!

  28. How lovely to see all your blooms as we are heading toward winter in my part of the world! And what a beautiful courtyard you have! Enjoy the last precious days of spring!

  29. was thinking about some of my favorite gardens today and thought I'd find a few moments to pop over and see you! I think it is crazy that you are having spring when we are in sort of is a good thing, so that I can peek at your gardens and get inspired when it is cold and white here! Have a good week friend!


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