
Monday, October 25, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... Some mid-Spring Colour.

Our mid-Spring month is coming to an end and that's definitely NOT something to celebrate in my part of the world!  Just as northern hemisphere gardeners are putting their gardens 'to bed' for the Winter, here in parts of Oz, gardens are about to be put through the end of Spring and Summer hell!  In my corner of north-eastern Australia the months from November to February are a horrid time for gardens and gardeners, so I'm enjoying the garden before it all goes pear-shaped with the heat and humidity ... and possibly the monsoonal rains.

Here's some of the lovely colour around the garden.  These are the best performers as we approach the end of our Spring.

Bougainvillea ...  I don't have as much of this in my garden now as I did in previous gardens as they do take over very quickly here in the tropics and are so difficult to trim back.

Hemerocallis ... I only started the Hemerocallis bed last year so they're only quite young plants and there are not many flowers on each plant yet.  This is the latest one to bloom ... Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Me Crazy'.
Ixora ... all the Ixoras are blooming again and they will keep on blooming through the horrid end of the year.  This is my favourite Ixora 'Twilight Glow'.

Plumeria ... my Plumeria rubra and Plumeria obtusa are showing flowers again and they will also continue to flower through the Summer.

Now for other fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, make sure you visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Wow, your flowers and photos are just gorgeous. Beautiful mosaics.

  2. Awesome pictures Bernie, enjoy them before the heat.

  3. I also dont look forward to the humidity, but there are some lovely blooms at this time of year, and I especially like the smell of the plumeria. so there are some redeeming factors :)

  4. Gorgeous photoss. Hope the horrible season is not too horrible.

  5. I am suffering from northern hemisphere jealously right now! Lovely photos!

  6. Your beautiful flowers have me looking forward to spring! We had a horrible freeze last winter and the bouganvillas are all gone, but the plumeria and Ixora are coming back.

  7. Bernie I hope your summer is not too bad. I still remember ours with not fond memories. Your dayliles are beautiful.


  8. Your photos are so in the US south...we're just beginning to cool...nights in the 50-60's and some days we're still in the eighties...I understand horrible summers...we just got through one and everything is crispy!!!
    Enjoy your beautiful spring!!!

  9. Oh it's good to know where to come to enjoy beautiful flowers and it's interesting to know that you are entering the difficult months for growing. Wishing you all the best...

  10. The flowers are so pretty and exotic. They make a lovely mosaic.

  11. WOW, beautiful blooms! So pretty!

  12. Our summer here in Sydney is more temperate than yours, but I'm still not looking forward to the worst of of round February. Still with the weather the way it has been it may not be so bad this year.

    I love the colour and size of tropical area flowers.

  13. I particularly like the hemerocallis though a bit scared by the sudden outbreak of piano music! Spring eh? here we are sliding into winter.

  14. Hi Bernie; I am a fan of bougainvillea, but as you say one has to stay "literally" on top of them with pruning. Always grew Hemerocallies and also buy new ones from time to time. Jamaican me ctazy is very pretty. Beautiful Frangipani. Lovely colours and heavenly scented.

  15. Gosh Bernie! What lovely mosaics.

  16. Lovely flowers, yes we are putting our gardens to bed so it is lovely to see what is happening on the other side of the world. Great photographs, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  17. Gorgeous flowers~ Glorious Spring *sigh*~ I especially love your Plumeria :-)

  18. Well you did it again!!! Absolutely takes my breath away! Have a grand day! Cathy

  19. Thank you for sharing the spring beauty Australia has to offer. Our areas will be covered in snow soon and I do not look forward to it.

    Have a wonderful week! La

  20. Hi Bernie ~ I adore the colour of your Ixora.
    Plumeria obtusa is one my favorites to. I have some bulbs to plant this week when I looked at them I thought of you and your instructions LOL!!

  21. Thank you all for your lovely comments. Yesterday definitely felt like Summer ... it's getting a whole lot warmer and the humidity level is rising.

    Sue ... glad my efforts made you smile, lol!

  22. I'm jealous your summer is just starting too ~ it always goes so fast here! Enjoy the blooms as long as you can ~ love the plumeria ~ I wish I could grow it for the fragrance alone!

  23. Aren't we lucky to have a view of spring from your place when we're deep in the rains of autumn!

  24. Outstanding look of 'Jamaican Me Crazy' reminds me of butter and coffee... love these two ingredients for consumption... he he...

  25. Lovely mosaic of your tropical/spring flowers. I am learning their scientific names, too!

  26. I agree this is the best time to be out in the garden before the heat. My sore back is a bit of a nuisance though.

  27. Oooohhhh! I love the Kalanchoe!


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