
Friday, October 15, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - it's mid-Spring on this Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

October is the middle month of our Spring season here in Oz ... and in my corner of north-east Oz it's been another strange start to the new month.  Following on from the unseasonal rainfall during September, this weather pattern has continued into early October with more showers of rain.  So far this month, we've received 25mm of rain.  Now I know in some parts of the world that's not considered much of a rainfall total in 15 days, but here it's considered a terrific amount during our supposed 'dry' season. 

The potted plants in my garden ... which contain most of the flowering plants ... have relished in these conditions and have been showing off some beautiful blooms.  I'm posting today's Friday Flaunt as part of the Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day meme as well.  Here's a little look at some of the beauties out in the garden today.

Two little notes before you click on the button below:
- please scroll down and stop the Playlist music before you open the Smilbox as the Smilebox has accompanying music
- if you wish to have a closer look at any of the photos on the Smilbox show, you just click on the photo and it shows an enlarged version.  Enjoy!

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
Create your own photo album - Powered by Smilebox
Photo album personalized with Smilebox

For other great Friday Flower Flaunt / Fertiliser Friday posts, join Tootsie at Tootsie Time  and for more Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day posts, join Carol over at May Dreams Garden


  1. Oh my, I've fallen in love with Smilebox and now have a great new way to waste time. : ) Thanks for posting that!

    Love those blooms! The daylilies and Liliums are my faves. You have a beautiful collection.

  2. Bernie, everything looks gorgeous. I only wish I had that to look forward to, but I am afraid it is cold and snow. I am busy putting my garden to bed, cutting everything down, putting in some new perennials, mulching, etc.


  3. Hi Bernie, I loved the show, the album was great. The garden is looking wonderful, for all the rain you have received. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Lol, Floridagirl ... you've got hours of fun ahead of you playing around with Smilebox! I'm still enjoying the free trial ... haven't signed up yet and I get to create loads of stuff for nothing! Yes it's lily time downunder ... can't wait for more of my Daylilies to show their lovely faces!

    Eileen ... I'll keep on posting lots of lovely Spring blooms to brighten your day and before you know it, Winter will have come and gone!

    Thanks Garden Of Threads ... more rain predicted for the coming weekend so the garden should be happy as a pig in mud!!

  5. Bernie, what a wonderful way to display your photos, I enjoyed it so much! You have so many gorgeous blooms, way too hard to choose a favorite. Once again, so glad to have your garden to retreat to during our winter season. You'll keep me dreaming of warm weather and flowers!

  6. Bernie: I just loved your presentation and the flowers are so gorgeous. Really enjoyed it.

  7. Hi Bernie, your plants have flourished in the rain they are looking wonderful.
    Love the smilebox album and lovely piano music to. It’s very cold, dark and grey this morning so you’ve brightened my day with lovely warm colours and thoughts of sunshine. Have a great weekend.

  8. Karen ... you're most welcome to pop by any time during your Winter season. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation.

    Gardening In A Sandbox ... thanks again for your gracious comment. I've enjoyed playing around with Smilebox ... it's so easy to create a lovely slideshow.

    G'day Sue ... supposed to be another wet and rainy weekend here so perhaps not so much of the sunshine!

  9. What a lovely treat to see spring again! Bernie, your containers are so lush and beautiful~You've inspired me to add more to my garden~Happiest of Bloom days to you~gail

  10. aloha fg,

    what a very nice tour of your garden this morning, i enjoyed the beautiful flowers and the smilebox presentation,

    thanks for sharing that with us

  11. Mid-spring! Lucky you. I'll have to visit often during these upcoming winter months. I'm sure you'll have tons of pretty things to make me smile. PS: love the music, too. Happy Bloom Day!

  12. Bernie - its amazing as usual. I love those day lillies in particular - that nice dark orange chocolate brown one. Winter I think is heading my way next week with northerly winds and snow forecast for the mountains.

  13. Bernie this is just wonderful! I am glad your flowers got this seems they are too! thanks for linking in this week...I look forward to watching your gardens grow this winter!

  14. Thanks you Gail ... I'm one of those gardeners who needs containers to have some flowers around me and despite the work involved, they give a whole lot of pleasure.

    G'day Noel...glad you enjoyed the tour.

    Kate ... thanks for stopping by and I'll try hard to keep the flower posts coming through your Winter.

    Thanks Deb ... I do so love my flowers.

    Rosie ... I hope your Winter's not too bad for you. That dark orange Daylily is new for me this year and I'm rather pleased with it.

    Tootsie ... I appreciate you stopping by and leaving your lovely comment. The rain here has been so lovely ... unexpected but most welcome.

  15. Love your photo album! How nice to see a spring garden when all here is fading to winter.

  16. Hi Bernie, what a nice idea to place your blooms in this cute album! And what pretty blooms they are! I love the many potted plants you have...and so many lilies! It all looks wonderful and so cheery. I think I'd enjoy living in Australia from about now until fall/winter sets in down there!


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