
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wildlife on Wednesday ... the Leaden Flycatcher.

I think this gorgeous little bird deserves a far more attractive name ... well, maybe that's just me!  Anyway, let me introduce Myiagra rubecula - the Leaden Flycatcher.  My photos today are only of the female ... I haven't been able to capture a shot of the male yet!

This bird is only around 15 cms in size.  Whilst both the male and female have blue-grey or leaden-grey upperparts (hence the use of 'leaden' in the name) and they both have a grey under-tail, the male has a white chest and the female's upper breast is rufous-orange.

They both have dark brown eyes, but the female has a pale ring around her eye.  

The Leaden Flycatcher is a very, very active little bird. They eat insects which they catch in flight, so most of the time I see them furiously darting about from branch to branch and only momentarily stopping to perch ... it's not easy getting a great photo!  They also have the cute little habit of shaking their tails around when they're agitated ... which can also ruin my photography efforts!  Anyway, these are the only photos I've managed to get so far ... luckily they show just how adorable this little bird is!

"Thank you ... yes I am rather cute!!"


  1. Anja ... wow you're very quick off the mark! Thank you ... I had to discard sooooo many photos and in the end all I had left was these few!

  2. Such great images Bernie. It is such a pretty bird.

  3. Such beautiful pictures!!! I am linking you to Adventure Tour Express. This is a place more should tour! Cathy

  4. Thanks Ilona ... I also think it's such a pretty little thing.

    Cathy ... thank you for the link. I will definitely have to have a look and find out what it's all about.

  5. Fantastic photos Bernie. She seems to be looking straight at the camera.

  6. Your photos of this active little bird are beautiful! And your waking Caladiums are gorgeous! Seeing the lovely pictures of your part of the world is such a delight. You are beginning a new growing season and we are ending one. So nice stopping by!

    Kindly, ldh

  7. Bernie, those photos are fantastic! He looks like a little robin but I know he is much smaller and less of a red breast. I can't belive you get these closeups!


  8. Bernie...These photos of the Leaden Flycatcher are fabulous. Your little camera really does have a FINE macro setting. It is like you are actually touching them. Buddy is going to have a fit over this post.


  9. Wow, you have captured such lovely photos - I know how quickly these little things move!

  10. Missy ... yes this little lady did actually sit still and seemed to be quite interested in what I was doing ... well at least for about half a minute!

    LDH ... yes Spring is upon us Downunder and there's quite a bit of colour in the garden at the moment ... so lovely!

    Eileen ... these close-ups were pure luck! I've tried so many times to get good shots of this little bird and had to discard so so many attempts!

    Genie ... every now and then I get some great clear shots with my old camera. I do take a whole bunch of photos though ... to get a few good ones.

    Africanaussie ... you're so right! They're fast little things!

  11. They are super photos. It is so hard to catch those flitty birds.

  12. Bernie how did you manage to get such great photos as this - that little bird is so beautiful and it certainly didn't seem to mind you getting so close or else you've got a great zoom on your camera.

  13. Super shots Bernie. It is amazing to watch birds snatching insects midair. Your Flycatcher sounds really neat.


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