
Monday, September 6, 2010

Lots of time enjoying the garden lately!

Yes, the computer is dead!  So I do apologise for not replying to comments or reading your posts during the last few days ... I'm in blogging withdrawl mode at the moment.  But I'm certainly getting lots of quality gardening time ... and the house is looking rather clean.

I've taken the opportunity to use the computer at work to post this message ... I'll be back as soon as possible.


  1. Do not fret....this happens to all of us. Play in your garden and enjoy yourself when you are home from work.

    Genie @ buttonsfornaga

  2. Thanks for updating, looking forward to some photos once the computer is fixed!

  3. Sorry to note about your PC.
    But glad to know that you manage to clean & clear everything during that free time.
    Do dropby my blog when you are free:

  4. Have fun gardening! I was out of town last couple of days. I had a good break ;-)

  5. So sorry Bernie, those computers seem too have a lot of control over our lives.


  6. Computers are fun....too much so sometimes. Enjoy your garden and when you're ready to blog, it'll be your pics from your posts. You live in a really beautiful area and spring demands your attentions right now:) I imagine summer can be brutal with the humidity and enjoy:)

  7. have a good break now...look forward to hearing from you again...

  8. I know how you feel 22 days to my sons wedding and life gets back to normal, by then hope you computer is fixed time we had an on line chat again missing you all

  9. Hope your computer has a speedy recovery. Computer issues are frustrating enough to make a preacher cuss. The time you get to spend in your garden will no doubt benefit your perspective .Sanddune over and out.

  10. Hello Bernie. I just discovered your two blogs and really enjoyed reading them. It is almost a bit surreal seing spring flowers at this time of year for us living on the opposite part of the globe ;-)
    I have added your blogs to my favorites list on my blog:
    I hope this is Ok? Do drop by my blogs sometimes if you want :-)

  11. Phew!!! I'm back with relatively little heartache. Thankfully my computer is back after some brilliant care from my friends at Computer Works!!!! Thanks for all the messages.


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