
Monday, August 30, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... Pink and Purple Gardening Candy for the Eyes!

Winter's drawing to a close here in Oz and right now there's a lot of lovely pink and purple in the garden.  Two of my absolute favourite flowering plants for adding these soft, fluffy, feel-good colours are Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' and Azaleas.

First my gorgeous Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'.  Whilst the foliage is not all that exciting ... this plant comes into it's own when it's covered in these tiny little flowers.  Take a closer look at the intricate patterns on these dainty petals.

Now to my Azaleas.  I have one dwarf variety growing in an outdoor garden bed ... and it has astounded me for quite some time!  It is the most resilient, hardy little Azalea I've ever met.  How it survives outdoors during our Summers here is beyond me ... but it does ... and for the last three years it has burst into bloom every Winter and puts on this terrific show of colour.  Unfortunately I have no idea of its varietal name.  I've named it 'One Tough Little Mama'!

I also have two potted Azaleas ... bought around four years ago.  These two did very, very little for the past three years ... then, suddenly this year they have burst into bloom.  Both have been covered by masses of frilly pink flowers ... and they're into their second display for this Winter.  Everyone who visits, comments about these beauties in the courtyard garden.
The potted Azaleas and the Plectranthus together make a wonderful combination.

Now for more wonderful Mosaic Monday posts, make sure you visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Bernie, everything looks beautiful. That Mona Lavander is in it's correct environment, never looked like that here in this area.


  2. G'day Eileen ... wow you're quick off the mark! Yes you're so right about the Mona being in the right environment here. I only purchased it last year and it's been fantastic. I cut it right back after it had finished blooming at the beginning of Autumn and it's bounced back beautifully. It will bloom for quite some time yet.

  3. Bernie, the lovely pinks and the lavender are the colours that uplift the spirit. Beautiful pictures of lovely flowers. I have never had any success with azelias.

  4. Hi Lotusleaf, I've never had much success with Azaleas in any of my other gardens ... and these have only really taken off recently. I have no idea why!!! One of nature's wonders.

  5. Beautiful ... eye candy for sure! You have a beautiful garden. Funny how some plants take their time blooming and when they finally do ... WOW!

  6. Gorgeous flowers and I love the purple of the plectranthus..a flower I have not seen before.

  7. Bernie: Your azaleas are really striking! They do make a nice combination with Mona lavendar. I also have mona lavendar in my garden, and they are really very good bloomer. I hope they can bloom until to winter time, when the color is much needed in the garden! You took very nice pictures too :)

  8. Wow, wow, wow, Bernie...what lovely flowers and photos! But I must say those Plectranthus are so beautiful...they almost look like orchids...are they in the orchid family?

  9. Snap ... the potted Azaleas certainly took their time to show off, but they're making up for all that lost time now!

    Gardening In A Sandbox ... can recommend the Plectranthus for tropical gardens. It's quite a fascinating plant.

    Ami ... I'm now a dyed-in-the-wool fan of the Plectranthus. I'm thinking of getting more ... just not sure where I can put it, lol!

  10. Lenore ... I hadn't thought of it before, but the Mona's flowers do look a little like an orchid bloom. No, they're not orchids ... they're from the Lamiaceae or Mint family! It's a herbaceous perennial here.

  11. Hi, awwww what gorgeous and beautiful colors, photos and mosaics! I hope that you have a lovely new week!

  12. Bernie I love your photos and mosaics. Also love your headers.
    Thanks for visiting me today.
    To do the argyle rose, I use Photoshop Elements 8.I put the rose photo then duplicated the layer. On the top layer, I used the custom shape tool with the argyle pattern.

  13. Very beautiful flowers. I just love those colors.

  14. Bernie, those azaleas are so pretty! Your outdoor one really looks a lot like my George Lindley Tabor azalea! Could it be?

  15. Bernie! I weep at Azaleas! (my relationship with them is always so tenuous..) The colors on your azalea are just gorgeous! It looks like fine china... :D

    BTW - you beat me to the punch, by seeing my latest post! I just love 'chatting' with you and both your blogs inspire me (though I found you through 'Dry Tropics' 1st). "Wahooky" for the Blogosphere! --Shyrlene

  16. Thanks Bobbi ... we're heading into Spring this week ... hot, hot weather on the way!

    Mary Lou ... thanks for answering my question so promptly. Will have to try it!

    Rajesh ... thanks for visiting. Purple is one of my most favourite garden colours ... not so keen on pink, but I do seem to have a bit of that as well.

    Deb ... I will have to do some research and find out if they are the same. Thanks for the info.

    Shyrlene ... this is the first garden where I've ever experienced success with Azaleas. I've tried them before ... always a miserable failure! Then this year ... who knows why! Lol ... yes I did get to see your latest post not long after you posted ... isn't it great having a day off work to catch up with posts!!! Anyway, thanks again for the mention. I find so much inspiration in the blogging world, including your blog!

  17. Your azaleas are so attractive! I am sure they made your garden look good. Light coloured flowers are always very visible from afar. They are first to be noticed.

    Love the picture of your mona lavendar in the first collage. Good shot ;-)

  18. Oh how beautiful!!! Enjoy your spring! And thanks for sharing at MM> :)

  19. You sure have a lot blooming in your garden! Winter is lovely where you are.

  20. What a beautiful pink-purple combo! Thanks for sharing that eye candy!

  21. Your flowers are so pretty! Thanks for sharing them.

  22. Bernie, your blooms certainly are eye candy! I love the color combinations...your peachy pink azalea is really lovely!!

  23. Beautiful flowers make my day. You captured some very pretty ones.

  24. Maybe it's that bit of rain you had a while back - they are beautiful. I've never been able to grow azaleas but they are stunning.

  25. Bernie.....You and your pictures of your beautiful flowers keeping blowing me away. While at our FR at the beach last week, I turned on 3 more of my family members to your blog...I was pretty excited about that. Like I told you, we are a family of landscapers, photographers, and flower lovers. Your azaleas are huge....and so bright. We just cannot do that here in the mountains of Virginia. This week all I could post were our flowers or old buildings this time....but the sandcastles were SO MUCH FUN to build.


  26. Dear Bernie....I wrote you a long comment and somehow lost it in cyberspace so here I go again! Your azaleas this week are so beautiful. Sadly we cannot grow them here in the mountains of Virgina, and I miss them terribly. As you know, we are a family of landscapers, flower lovers, and photographers and so enjoy your blog and posts. While at the beach last week for our FR, I turned on 3 more family members to your blog. That really pleased me because your work is so beautiful and special. All I have to show for the week is a collection of our huge sand castles we built.....would love to have had big azaleas like your to post.


  27. Hello Bernie - such pretty pastels for Mosaic Monday. Have never heard of Plectranthus (which reminded me of Streptocarpus) but it is so very pretty. And just look at your Azaleas - knockout

    Laura x

  28. I love azaleas and that particular plectanthrus but both couldn't survive my tough love. Some azaleas did survive for years and years but stopped being beautiful and had to make way for change. I have another plectanthrus which is OK as long as it's not in direct sun - less delicate than Mona Lisa. Yours look great in your garden. btw, love the cloud background.

  29. Wow Bernie! Your Pics are very nice. I didn't see some of your Flowers in the past. Don't stop showing us Pics of the nature and the gardens from downunder. Thanks for your visit and comment on Fine Pics

  30. like the combination and I wish your Plectranthus bloomed through winter in our California rainy season. The only Plectranthus which do bloom through winter here are P.barbatus, neochilus and zuluensis, and occasionally ecklonii. So interesting to see we share some similar plants such as Justicia brandegeana or Salvia madrensis which do just as well here.
    David in Berkeley


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