
Monday, July 19, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... A Touch of The Blues!

No I'm not feeling the blues ... quite the opposite.  Success!  It's the first bloom on my first ever Dutch Iris ... and I couldn't be happier.

The Dutch Iris is part of a lunatic experiment I'm attempting this year here in my part of tropical Queensland ... I've written a post about this on my other blog for those who are interested ...
Out In The Twilight Zone - My Great Bulb Experiment.

Here's some more of the 'blues' in the mid-Winter garden here Downunder.

There's our gorgeous mid-Winter blue sky surrounded by (clockwise from top left) Evolvulus, Salvia guarantica, Viola, Pansy, Salvia farinacea, another Viola and a Torenia.

For other fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, make sure you visit Mary at Little Red House.

I thought I might join in Smiling Sally's Blue Monday as well.


  1. What wonderful shades of very cool and refreshing in all this heat! Cathy

  2. Loving these gorgeous blues ... I think those iris are awesome..

  3. Perfectly wonderful blues! I'm not at all familiar with Dutch Iris, but it certainly is lovely. Glad that you had such good luck with it!

  4. Your Dutch Iris is lovely ... all the blues are spectacular. Great mosaics.

  5. I tried growing the black and blue salvia here and it just didn't work. Yours is lovely.


  6. Blue on Blue - what a lovely mosaic. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful garden in the middle of the winter! Sunshine always!

  7. What a wonderful color of blue. They are fantastic mosaics:)

  8. I agree with other readers - it's a fantastic shade of the blue. it's not a lavender-blue or purple-blue, it is a true blue. Congratulations on your success with the iris!

  9. LOVE seeing blues from the garden - one of the hardest colors to find in blooms! Beautiful mosaics!

  10. Beautiful blues! Enjoyed your photo's! Pretty mosaic's!

  11. Beautiful blue flowers. I have not seen anything like this before.

  12. To be sure, that is a pretty shade of blue! I intend to add some dutch iris to my gardens this next year...they are really nice for tight spaces :) Have a great week Bernie!

  13. Hi Bernie, nice to meet you. I have been seeing your comments as I have been doing mine so thought I would stop in and say hello. I do love your blue mosaic....:-) Hugs

  14. Gorgeous blue mosaic, especially love the Dutch iris.Jackie in UK.

  15. Hay Bernie that’s fantastic well done your Dutch Iris is beautiful. Hope your success continues with all your other bulbs. Love the blue collage.One of my blue Torenias grown from seed is the same as the one you have It's lovely. I am after a Ceratostigma willmottianum ( hardy plumbago) That’s a lovely shade of blue. I had a blue Perovskia (Russian Sage ) in the small border in the front garden when I went into the greenhouse yesterday it was on the bench S has been doing some work on the front wall and dug it out and did not tell me (Gerrr men!!)
    I’m not sure it will survive I gave it a nice pot of compost a good soak and a hair cut fingers crossed!

  16. lovely shades of blue and congrats for growing such plants in the tropics.

  17. Hello, Bernie. I found you from Little Red House Mosaic Monday. Your mosaics for today are just gorgeous. I love, love, love the blues. And I totally love your blog. I'm happy I found it. I'm following now. It's under Mizzus G, it's my other blog.

    I hope you have a wonderful Monday,

  18. I've never seen a Dutch Iris before; how beautiful!

    Happy Blue Monday, Bernie.

  19. Gorgeous, perfect blue flowers! Congratulations on your succesful gardening. Blue flowers are my favorite. Visiting from Blue Monday.

  20. Beautiful pansies! This mosaic is such an artful arrangement....just lovely!

  21. Such lovely shades of blues and purples here!

  22. Beside your fotos I like very much the music on your blog. Is that you or a friend who is playing? Cheers Anja

  23. Beautiful blue.. such a range of blue! ~bangchik

  24. Beautiful shades of blue! So those Dutch Iris are the cold-loving kind, then? Keep us posted on the progress. I planted a walking iris this year, which is supposed to do well in this subtropical zone. Beautiful torenia shot. They pop up in my garden every year, but my camera never seems to be able to focus on them so that the wishbone detail shows up.

  25. Blue flowers are my favorites! And your mid-winter sky is gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely images at MM. :)

  26. My dutch ones have just finished flowering - yellow and purple are also in my mix with that beautiful intense blue. Lovely mosaics Bernie. I've never joined up with Blue Monday before but I've saved the link for future use. Thankyou :) Rosie

  27. Hi Bernie, I love the Dutch Iris.. it is beautiful, as are all of the other blue flowers...the dark blue pansy looks like velvet..thanks for sharing them with us... Baba

  28. love the blue flowers,
    they are fresh and mind blowing...
    way to go!

  29. Beautiful Bernadette, congratulations, they grow in th UK usualy in a lot of water. Well done to grow them in Alligator Creek and yes, I'm back on facebook.


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