
Monday, July 26, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... A Splash of Sunshine.

This year I'm attempting to push the boundaries.  I'm having a go at growing a few plants that are definitely not suited to the conditions and climate in my dry tropics garden ... I've dubbed this tremendous, ridiculous feat as The Great Bulb Experiment (documented in my other blog).

Well ... I've had more success!  One of the Jonquil Soleil D'ors has bloomed ... and I'm absolutely chuffed!  I've never grown anything like this before ... and really wasn't expecting it to bloom at all.  I just love wandering out into the Greenhouse Garden first thing in the morning and being greeted by this cheery sight!
We've been having so many dreary dull Winter days ... which is so uncharacteristic of our usual Winter weather.  This little ray of sunshine really does brighten the day!

Here are some other bright cheery mellow yellow sights out in the garden right now ... in mid-Winter ... north-eastern Downunder.

For other fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, make sure you visit Mary at Little Red House.


  1. Gorgeous flowers and mosaic. Your garden must look beautiful in person. Have a great week!

  2. Oh, Bernie, this is just so beautiful!!!! I love snapdragons and pansies!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  3. Congrats Bernie on trying things that would not normally bloom in your area. I'll bet you are the talk of the neighborhood having jonquils blooming.


  4. Thanks you Eileeninmd ... there's some lovely colour out now which is very cheery on these dull winter days.

    Grandmak ... I'm a big fan of pansies and snaps myself ... and there's such wonderful colours in both of these now.

    Eileen ... lol! I had a little chuckle over your comment. I don't think my neighbours give any thought at all about what's growing in my garden ... my neighbourhood is not what you would call 'garden loving!' In general the gardens in my neighbourhood have some trees and shrubs ... and that's about it. Added to that, you can't see much of our garden from the street anyway ... it's all just for us!!!

  5. You surely have a green thumb. I can't believe those bulbs in our climate.Magic!

  6. I love the mosaic of the yellow blooms in your garden. Such a treat to see them. Lovely.

  7. Hi Diane far so good! Even though I've only got one Dutch Iris bloom and this one bloom on the Jonquil, I'm well pleased. We'll see how many more there are to come! Obviously storing them in the fridge over the Autumn and early Winter must have helped!!!

    G'day Lori ... thanks for dropping by again. I only have a few yellow blooms right now ... my lovely yellow Gazanias aren't showing themselves much because we've had so many overcast days. I've only seen a couple opening up!

  8. Bernie...THANK YOU so very much for visiting my blog. Because of that one little click, I have found you and your beautiful photography and you now have a 67th follower. I am working hard on my picture taking and starting to compose mosaics. At 71 it is becoming a fabulous hobby in addition to my quilting. Please come back by and add your suggestions to my work. Daffodils are my FAVORITE flower so I especially like this particular collage. I can’t wait to see what you put up next.


  9. As a lover of yellow, this mosaic is right up my alley. So cheerful, so sunny. I was just visiting your other blog and noticed that tree in your header photo. What an amazingly beautiful white and smooth. I've never seen anything like it.

  10. Well done on growing different plants in your garden. I love all the various yellow blooms ... my favourite colour.

  11. Lovely jonquils! Like you, I have also started experimenting. Today I planted some Asiatic lily bulbs. Hope they survive!

  12. Stunning mosaic. Love all the colors and the flowers are great.

  13. Those are SO beautiful, especially for mid-winter! Love those narcissus!

  14. So you have blooms! They are lovely! I really miss daffodils, which were stars in my Atlanta garden. We can't grow them here where I live, unless we're willing to dig and refrigerate for several weeks in winter. The pansies and snapdragons, though, are great for our Florida winters, though we would never see them this time of year. I think I recognize thryallis and allamanda in that two favorite garden yellows!

  15. Hi Bernie. Wow your yellows are terrific. What is the yellow and pink bloom in the bottom right corner? I just love it!

  16. Genie ... thanks for visiting my blog post in return and for becoming a follower ... very kind. I loved your photo mosaic ... so I think you're learning pretty quickly ... I'll be back to see more of your work that's for sure!

    Vee ... thanks for your lovely comments. The tree in the header of my other blog is one of the Eucalyptus species that grow in the bushland here. I'm not exactly sure what it's botanical name is ... but we call them Ghost Gums because they literally glow in the dark!

    Crafty ... glad you enjoyed all the mellow yellow.

    Lotusleaf ... let us know how those Asiatic lilies go. You never know unless you try ... so good luck.

    Garden of Threads ... I do appreciate your kind comments and thanks for popping by.

    Thanks also to Wendy ... we're lucky to be able to have a lot of colour during our Winters here.

    Floridagirl ... yes there's some more blooms. All my new bulbs are in pots because I know they would never survive in the ground here ... just way too warm. So far they're liking the conditions out in the Greenhouse Garden ... but I'm keeping a close eye on them.

    Lona ... the flower with the yellow and pink is my favourite Portulaca ... we commonly call them Sun Jewels ... and it's always an eye-catching sight.

  17. That's just wonderful! Must be quite surprising sight when you found them so brightly blooming and in the middle of winter too... Well done!

  18. Beautiful, beautiful flowers - all of them!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours and will be following you along. Take care

  19. How lovely! I was sure I wasn't going to see another narcissus for at least 7 more months, but I didn't think that yours would just be coming into their own. So glad they grew for you, and they're absolutely charming!

  20. I enjoyed your fabulous bright yellow blooms which you have posted here. Somehow, they brighten my day when its been gloomy for these few days in my region. (plus suffering with a nagging cough and cold - its just not a mood for anything much)

  21. You sure have had great success with these lovely blooms! Gorgeous Mosaics!

  22. Gorgeous and cheerful!
    Great Mosaic.
    Enjoy a great day.

  23. What a lovely blog! So colorfull and yet so clean,no clutter.
    I would love to learn to do the photo collage like the Jonquils,beautifull,but have no idea where to start.
    Bernie how in the world do you grow daffs in 89% humidity? And a greenhouse? Is it not too warm for them? Do they not like cool temps? I would love to grow them here in zn10(our Spring of course)which is Nov thru march.
    We are now in the nineties and high humidity also.Can't wait til we cool off.
    Do you think pre-chilled bulbs will work or a cooler? I had a bad experience w/ 80$ worth of bulbs and because of one apple put in w/ them in the fridge once or twice......and working so hard to plant three levels in a pot...not one bloomed!Never again.
    So glad you're doing the great bulb experiment ,I have been dreaming of this for yrs and never found anyone intrepid enough to do it! If you can grow these spring beauties I can too,I want to learn!
    Happy Gardening!

  24. Lila ... how lovely that you've popped by to visit. The great bulb experiment had limited success ... unfortunately, not long after I'd posted this, the Winter really warmed up and we were getting daytime temps. up around 28 to 30 deg C!!!! Now the greenhouse is actually slightly cooler than outdoors because of the shadecloth roof and the breeze that comes through from underneath our house ... but it is only cooler by a couple of degrees.

    I'm not put off entirely though ... I'm going to store the bulbs over the Summer and pop them back in the fridge in Autumn. I'm hoping that their second year will be better ... I'm absolutely nuts!!!!!!! But you never know unless you try.

    So sorry to hear about your bad experience ... luckily I haven't spent quite as much money on my foolishness. Nevertheless, I think I'd give it a try ... and yes I'd try the pre-chilled bulbs.


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