
Friday, June 18, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - early Winter in north-east Oz.

When I looked around for flowers to flaunt today, for some reason a Monkees' song came into my mind ... just with different words!!!  As some of you know, Winter is the beginning of the annual flower show in my Courtyard Garden ... and this is what popped into my head when I spotted a few of the annuals showing their pretty blooms!

Here we come ....

blooming in our pots ... 

We get lots of loving looks from ....

that nut who grew us!

Hey, hey we're her annuals ...

we're just beginning our display ....

and she's so busy admiring ....

she can't put the camera down!!!!

For many more great Friday Flower Flaunt posts, make sure you visit Tootsie at Fertiliser Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. your photos are worthy of frames!!! great shots of some very pretty flowers!!! Love the post today...thanks for linking in and flaunting with me!

  2. Thanks so much Tootsie ... it's a meme I really enjoying participating in! There's always such so many lovely blooms to look at.

  3. Gorgeous flowers especially the petunias. But I’m going to have that song in my head all day now and it’s not even 9am yet!

  4. Thanks Sue ... yes sorry about the song. Lol! I don't know where it came from ... I was never a fan of their music or show!!!

  5. Hi!
    Lovely blooms! I really like that pinkish orange one. Beautiful. Have a great day!

    Sherrie's Stuff

  6. Just beautiful and some of my favorites here!

  7. Lovely comments, thanks Sherrie and Darla.

  8. Bernie, The annuals look beautiful, love the post commentary. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.

  9. Beautiful flowers! I liked the apricot coloured Salvia- it is very unusual.

  10. the first flower has very rare colour combination. Beautiful..

  11. Hi Bernie, You're too funny with that song, I too will now have it popping in & out of my head all day, Again,You are so lucky to have such Wonderful Blooms in Winter! and I wouldn't be putting my camera down either!:) Have a Wonderful weekend ~

  12. What a beautiful parade of annuals. Each of them is so pretty.

  13. Too funny!! Beautiful annuals that inspired you too.

  14. Lotusleaf ... that salmon coloured Salvia is one of my favourites amongst all the pastel shades.

    Bangchik ... the top plant is a Verbena and it is such a striking colour.

    Angel ... it's been a wonderful winter so far and I'm so looking forward to all the annuals filling out.

    Thanks for your lovely comments as well Olga and Siteseer ... glad you liked the photos.

  15. Wow Bernie, those photos are fabulous! Where would the garden be without those annual show-offs?

  16. I just love the close up photos of your courtyard plants. I am upside down about which season it is. In the North east of the Us we are almost in Summer. the temperatures are between 70-90 degrees. Here on Long Island they have a saying, "if you don't like the weather when you go out the front door, ...go out the back door." Our weather changes minute to minute. Cheers

  17. Thanks for following our travels even though I have very little wireless time for comments. Your annuals are looking great photos and commentary very good.
    Diane and Bill

  18. Hi Bernie
    I am glad to meet you. I am so hapy you stoppped by my blog and left a comment, so I could visit you too. Your flower photos are beautiful.

  19. Bernie ~ What wonderful photos. I love all of your flowers. I think my favorite of these is the light blue/purple pansy.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady


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