
Friday, May 14, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday.

For great posts where bloggers are flaunting their flowers on a Friday, please make sure you visit Tootsie at
Ferlitizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers

Right now in my corner of north-east Downunder ... it's the last month of Autumn and the first bloom on my so-well-loved Bauhinia Variegata 'Alba' has appeared.
 The first gorgeous faces of the Violas have appeared.

There are blooms on the Bracteantha bracteata, also known as Helichrysum bracteatum, or as they're commonly known ... Paper Daisies.  These are from the seeds grown from last year's flowers.

One of my favourites ... the Gomphrena globosa is showing it's beauty.  Some may know it as Globe Amaranth, but here it's common name is Bachelor's Buttons.

At this point I'd like to sing the praises of a blogger from Malaysia ... Jacqueline has a very informative blog that I often visit when I'm wondering about the right conditions for plants in my garden.  This blog has a terrific tropical plant database which I find so easy to read and really helpful.  They have a great post on the Gomphrena if anyone is interested .... John & Jacq's Garden

Back to my garden ... the last blooms I'm adding this Friday are the vibrant New Guinea Impatiens which are adding bright spots out in the Courtyard Garden right now.


  1. You have a wonderful garden, beautiful color. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So colorful and beautiful! Love the Bauhinia - I've never seen that plant before.

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous and is your photography. Years ago I grew some bachelors buttons from seeds and I just loved them...I think I'll search me out a pack and put them in the ground. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

  4. aloha bernie,

    i love your spring blooms especially the that amazing bauhinia, beautiful, mines blooming now too!

    thanks for sharing this today.

  5. For your last month of Autumn you sure have some Wonderful blooms!! Our last month of Autumn there's ,(which would be November) X-mas decor!! You'll be lucky to find a Mum,or Ornamentle Cabbage hahaha :)You are so lucky to still have wonderful blooms , thanks for sharing, have a great weekend1

  6. Hi Bernie. Wow, I know why you love your Bauhinia Variegata. Just look at that beautiful white bloom. Love your Globe Amaranth also. It is hard to believe that you are into late fall. Your blooms are so wonderful.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. I've bought New Guinea Impatiens for my Summer troughs this year, and look forward to enjoying their lovely colours. I haven't ever seen Globe Amaranth, it's lovely. I really like everlasting flowers such as the Paper Daisies, and often grow Statice.

  8. I wasn't sure which blog to pick to comment on this evening - glad I picked the right one. You have some great blooms out - and some I've never heard of before like that gomphrena.

    I think I was a day too early with my GBBD this month lol

  9. Oooh, I love that Bauhinia Variegata--such a beautiful bloom she has;-) The second one looks like a 'straw flower' that I've seen here before--I'll have to check if they're related or even one and the same. I just love the purple shade of your Bachelor's gorgeous! I also like impatience and will be adding some to my shady areas quite soon;-) It sounds so 'different' to hear you say "it's the last day of autumn and I finally have a bloom"!! Here, in autumn, it's beginning to get very chilly and most blooms are going into hibernation;-)

  10. Sandy ... thanks for your lovely comment.

    Beth ... the Bauhinia is quite common here ... the pink variety is definitely seen in almost every second garden or out on the footpaths.

    SewingseedsforU ... give the Bachelor's Buttons another go ... they sure deserve a second chance. I enjoyed visiting your blog so much ... I think I'll be popping in quite regularly.

    Noel ... thanks for stopping by. I just love the white Bauhinia ... and I'm looking forward to another great display on my one and only tree during the wintertime.

    Angel ... yes we are lucky to have blooms pretty much all year round. There's always some very sun/drought hardy plant flowering even through our rough horrible summer.

    Hocking Hills ... my white Bauhinia is a great sight in the driveway garden bed during out winter. I just love coming home and seeing it in full bloom.

    This is my patch ... I only just started growing the Paper Daisies last year and have been so happy with them. They are great plants for our climate and growing conditions. The New Guinea Impatiens survive well here too ... but only in shady areas of course.

    Rosie ... glad you enjoyed viewing some of our late Autumn bloomers. The Gomphrena is an old favourite of mine ... it's considered a rather old-fashioned plant here as it was popular back in my Grandma's day and then fell from grace for a long time. I've loved it forever! Just had to repeat ... I really enjoyed your GBBD post!

  11. Jan ... the Paper Daisies are also called Straw Flowers here, so yes they're probably the same plant. Thanks for your great comment ... glad you enjoyed the Bauhinia as much as I do.

    As for 'finally have a bloom' ... Autumn is the start of our best growing time here in my spot in north-east downunder. By now though, there's usually a lot more breaking into bloom ... we've had rather a long period of rain which is rather unusual and certainly slowed things down a bit. I'm just so happy that things are back to normal ... the sun is now shining all day, the temps. are great and the humidity has dropped way down!

  12. I just lost my comment. Hope you don't get it twice. Your flowers are lovely. I'm surprised to see Violas and Paper Daisies. I tried to grow them in Brisbane and was unsuccessful and thought it was too hot for them.

  13. Diane ... I've always grown Violas but last year was the first time I tried the Paper Daisies. Both are planted as seedlings during mid to end of Autumn and they will then flower right through to the Summer. The Violas usually give up around the beginning of our summer up here.

  14. Wow, your garden packs some autumn color! Beautiful!
    Funny how common names of plants are so different depending on the location. In this area what we call 'bachelelor's buttons' are Centaurea cyanus, quite a different plant from your 'bachelor's buttons'.

  15. Lovely colourful flowers :-) I am looking out for the Impatiens but perhaps its too early for them here just yet over here. Really enjoying looking at your garden.

  16. Aerie-el ... thanks for your kind comment. The garden's had a bit of a slow start this Autumn, so hopefully there'll be more colour soon when the annuals begin to bloom.

    You're so right about common names ... that's why I try to use the Botanic names wherever possible to avoid confusion ... still learning those however!

  17. Chris ... glad to see you popping in again. Maybe the Impatiens will be available as you get closer to your Summer. I know I always have it somewhere in my garden ... it's been a staple of all my gardens over the years.

  18. You are definitely flaunting some Friday beauties!

  19. Can i have your green fingers?
    Please advise on how to grow the paper daisies and where do i buy the seedlings from in brisbane


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