
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wildlife on Wednesday .... It's bathtime baby!

I'm a little teensy weensy bit late in posting this ... but I figured it's still Wednesday somewhere in the world, so it'll be right!


This particular Agile Wallaby mum was a having a little bit of trouble giving her baby a wash ... it's a delightful episode in the life of these creatures.

MUM:   OK we’ve finished our dinner, it’s time for your bath!

MUM:   First we do behind the ears!

JOEY:   Oh get off Mum! It’s clean I tells ya!

MUM:   I don’t think so darling, let me see.

MUM:   STAY STILL and let me do this!

MUM:   Now what about your neck?

JOEY:   What about yours, Mum?

MUM:   OOh! You little devil, get back here!

MUM:   Fine! Fine! You do it yourself then and I’ll look after myself!

JOEY:   OK then!

JOEY:   Don’t know what she’s goin’ on about!!


  1. I just love your wildlife conversations!

  2. This is so cute! I really like how you captured the whole sequence, and the "narrative" is great!

  3. Thanks Laurie ... I felt rather privileged to be part of this interlude ... and I was imagining how the conversation might go in human terms.

  4. Thanks for visiting Gardeningangel ... memories of conversations long ago during bathtime with my own children was the inspiration for the narrative!!

  5. Oh my...thanks for that, I needed a chuckle. That was simply adorable!

  6. Bernie, where oh where would we get information and pictures like this if it wasn't for your blog!

    I can't imagine living in a paradise like this with all of the unusual animals and birds.


  7. Glad you enjoyed it Curbstone!! Thanks for visiting again.

  8. Lovely photos and I enjoyed your narrative to go along with it.

  9. Eileen ... I'm so lucky that these sort of incidents happen right in my own backyard. It is a bit like paradise when you get to see things like this.

    Africanaussie ... thanks for your lovely comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the post. The sun is actually out today and it's been out since around 6.30 with not a grey cloud in sight ... could the 'wet' be over??

  10. Love this precious interaction between Mum and Joey!

  11. Oh my, those two are so delightful!

  12. Too cute! The Joey really does look like a little one who doesn't want it's Mum fussing over it!

  13. Thanks all for your comments ... I'm so glad you got to see this great Mum and offspring interaction.

  14. Oh gosh so so cute... btw, is it safe to take pictures of them (were you very near them?)?

  15. Hi Bernie~~ I had to holler for my animal lover daughter to see these photos. Your captions are perfect. So precious!

  16. So sweet, Bernie! Your captions are perfect! How fun this would be to see in person. Thanks for sharing it so I can enjoy from afar!


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