
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Pink In The Garden

Today I've posted a collage of all the pink flowers in my garden during 2009. You can click on the collage to get a larger view ...  OR
.... underneath the collage is a link to a video that shows the collage photos as a slideshow - if you want a closer view.

Here is the slideshow ... just click on the link below.


  1. Beautiful slideshow! The music is so soothing too.

  2. My favorite garden color is pink. Great slide show.


  3. Anothr beautiful mosaic Bernie - I really want a pink everlasting for next year after seeing your lovely photos of it!

  4. Thanks Lousleaf and Eileen ... glad you enjoyed the show.

    Eileen I didn't realise I had so much pink in my garden ... obviously I must secretly love it!

  5. Hi GG ... I tried growing some of that pink from the seed I collected, but along with lots of other seeds so far this year I've had no success ... mainly because of the amount of rain we've had and the lack of sunshine I think.

    The plant that's out in the garden is not looking that great either ... as we're still receiving torrential rain (now because of cyclone Ului) ... I'm not sure it will come back.

  6. Beautiful mosaics, clicking to enlarge the photos are even better.
    Darryl and Ruth : )

  7. Hi Bernie. What a beautiful show of pinks. So many different plants too.Love the cosmos and verbena.

  8. What an incredible collection of pink flowers! It was a great to watch your slide show :) Thank you too for stopping by my blog ~ I will be following yours with keen interest as believe it or not..Queensland is a place I've always wanted to visit!

  9. Excellent ... you lucky gal!

  10. A lovely show, and such a variety of pink! Beautiful! The only pink here is my peach tree at the moment, but it is only just spring.

  11. Wow! I love all those pink flowers. Gorgeous collages. -Jean

  12. Pink just ANNOUNCES spring. The yellow daffodils are simply a preview. When all that pink blooms out, you KNOW it is spring.

  13. I think of all those flowers in your garden, my all time favorite is the plumeria - so sweetly scented and so pleasing to the eye!


  14. Oh, they are all so pretty! Great show.Lucky gal!

  15. All your collages are wonderful Bernie - just look at that sidebar of yours!

  16. Yum! I'll take one of each please! What the flowers in the first picture, first two in the bottom row? I don't recongnize those.

  17. Wicked Gardener ... those two are Pelargonium peltatums ... I know the lighter pink is called Pelargonium peltatum 'Ville de Dresden', but I'm afraid I lost the tag for thta darker one.

  18. You have such a wide variety of pinks! Your collages are gorgeous;-) I'll probably be taking your blog link off my blog I can add another. I've enjoyed having that photo with the wallabees there...they are so darn cute, even if they can be annoying;-)

  19. What a lovely display. Amazing to have so much colour in your garden, so many flowers on plants etc. The music is great to listen too, so soothing.
    Did you create the slideshow with picasa as well?


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