
Monday, February 15, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Vibrant Verbenas.

As the 'wet' season is drawing to a close, it's time to make a start on this year's potted annual display.  I've already started planting seeds ... in the next few weeks I'll also start making regular visits to my favourite nurseries for trays of seedlings.

Here at my place I can't plant annuals in a flower bed, so I have lots of potted annuals on display out on my courtyard garden.  I'm rather lucky in that my potted annuals will keep on flowering for anything up to nine months from Autumn right through to the beginning of summer.

One of my favourites are these verbenas that I grow every year and this collage shows some from last year's display.  The seeds for this year's collection are already planted.


  1. Dear Bernie, What a lovely idea. I really do approve of containers for added interest particularly where, as in you case, they last for so long. All the verbenas are very garden worthy plants in my opinion.

    I do wish you well with your seed sowing!

  2. Thanks Edith ... most of the plants in the surrounding garden beds are green (unfortunately drought/heat tolerant plants tend to be mostly green) so I look forward to getting lots of colour in my courtyard garden ... it just brightens my day when I walk out there in the mornings.

  3. I just love verbena for containers. I grow them from seed every winter for spring planting. I love your Burgundy one with the white center.

  4. Hi Bernie, That is what I do, I plant annuals in pots and troughs. The verbenas are very beautiful.
    I always have Verbena montevidensis growing with my perennials. Mainly because it is growing by itself and I like it how it peeks out between the other plants, it is a tough and beautiful plant.
    My favourites, which I plant in autumn in pots are Petunias and Pansies, I also like the different colours of hearts ease.


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