
Monday, February 8, 2010

Mosaic Monday - It's a bunch of Bracteantha bracteata!

 One of my favourites ... I just love these everlasting daisies.  I have only recently started growing them in my garden and I have been so impressed by their colours and their crackly texture!  It's such a great sight to see the bracts slowly opening to reveal all the tiny yellow florets inside ... it's a bit like unwrapping a pretty present.


  1. Are those English Daisies or straw flowers. So pretty. I just discovered English Daisies here in the States and I love them.

  2. Sherry ... we call these Everlasting or Paper Daisies but you probably know them as Straw Flowers ... they feel like straw and last for ages and ages when cut.

  3. Beautiful Mosaic Bernie!
    My Golden Everlasting has just exploded with 'flowers'. I can't wait until next year when I will try to grow some of the pretty colours you have from seed!

  4. Beautiful Daisies. So many pretty colors.

  5. GG ... will be looking for your photos next summer!

  6. Look at all the beautiful colors they come in!

  7. Now that is a welcome sight. Such pretty English daisies and everlastings.Thanks for the colorful collage.

  8. The delights of a blooming garden are constant, aren't they? I've never grown straw flowers but just may give them a go!

  9. Hi, just landed on your blog through blotanical and found it quite amazing. This post on daisies is very pretty, the blooms are really impressive. Keep posting.

  10. I love paper daisies. You have an impressive display. I also just noticed you purple, oranges etc. You have an amazing collection of flowers!

  11. These are gorgeous Bernie and the mosaic looks great.


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