
Monday, February 1, 2010

Mosaic Monday - It's Torenias!

Thought I'd join in the Monday Mosaic posts.  Mine won't be as artistic as many I've seen ... and they'll probably show just the plants I grow ... on top of all this,  I don't know how to link this with anyone else's blog .... but I'm going to have fun having a go!

One of my all-time favourite potted plants for my courtyard garden is the Torenia.  They have such a beautiful flower - if you look closely, you will see the 'wishbone' in the throat of the bloom.  Torenias are sometimes called the Wishbone Flower.

Please click on the mosaic to have a closer look.


  1. I have never saw yellow torenia before. You have a beautiful variety of them. I love these little flowers and usually grow the blue in the summer but I am loving all your colors of it.

  2. aloha, i love torenias also, they are so easy to i have to say the previous post you did on your storm is amazing....we finally got a good downpour after a long 4 week drought and this is our rainy season...hate el nino!

  3. Hocking Hills Gardener...there are some lovely new colours now in the torenias. I just got another beautiful violet one a few weeks ago ... it's gorgeous.

  4. G'day Noel ... totally agree with you ... torenias are very easy to grow and such a rewarding plant.

    Our rainy season here is a bit of a hit-and-miss affair too ... most years we get very little ... unless there's a cyclone or two around to disturb things and that's what happened again this year.

  5. I'm not familiar with Torenias but they are certainly very pretty. If you want to link your mosiac go to Mary's Little Red House (it's in my blog roll) on a Monday. She has the instructions on how to participate there.

  6. Thanks for the advice Joan Elizabeth ... will pop over and have a read.

    Torenias are one of my favourite plants ... they are just so reliable and all the new colours are so lovely.

  7. Hi Bernie, I've arrived a little late to admire your beautiful mosaic! I'd not heard of torenias at all before today, they are incredible little flowers.

  8. GG ... they are an incredibly easy plant to look after ... they grow in almost any conditions but do like a bit of sun. They will die back ... but are fantastic self-seeders ... they will pop up again and often spread around the garden bed. They now come in such lovely colours too. I have quite a few of these lovelies in pots now ... I had them in garden beds in my last garden.


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