
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cyclones and other nasties!

It's summertime here in north-eastern Oz and that means cyclone season.  There's one hovering off the coast near Cairns this morning.  It's been threatening the coast for two days now, but we're safe ... for now anyway!  Down here we're just getting wind gusts and some marvellous rain!! 

There's absolutely no better perfume than the smell of rain!  Nor is there a more relaxing way to spend the morning than sitting on the verandah listening to the rain falling softly on the corrugated tin roof .... bliss!

Of course, besides the cyclones, there are other nasties that come our way during summer.  I spotted this gorgeous creature out on the courtyard bricks this morning ... giving it a very wide berth!

 Think I'll just go back to my Sunday morning spot in the rocking chair on the verandah.  Hope you all have a great day.


  1. Now that's perfect, the smell of summer rain, the rattle of it on the roof and a rocking chair on the verandah ... blissful except for the humidity that follows.

  2. You are soooooo.... right Joan! Everything is lovely until the rain stops ... then the sweltering begins. But I still enjoy the rain when I can.


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